New York State Legislature passes for the first time in the United States a bill granting a 'right to repair' a wide range of electronic devices

On June 4, 2022, the New York State Legislature of the United States passed a bill 145: Opposition 1 to establish the 'right to repair' for a wide range of electronic devices, which is the first in the United States. The bill was signed by Governor Kathy Hochul and will come into force one year after it is signed.
NY State Senate Bill S4104A

New York state passes first-ever'right to repair' law for electronics --The Verge
New York lawmakers approve first right-to-repair law bill • The Register
New York Passes World's First Electronics Right to Repair Law | iFixit News
New York state passes first electronics right-to-repair bill | Ars Technica
The ' right to repair' is the right of a user who has purchased a product such as a PC, smartphone, or automobile to repair it by himself / herself without going through the repair service of the manufacturer. For many years in fields such as electrical equipment and automobiles, only manufacturers and specific repairers have been able to repair products, but this mechanism is 'the manufacturer has an exclusive profit from repairs' and 'the product's It was the subject of criticism such as 'promoting disposables.'
Therefore, in recent years, activities to appeal for the right to repair have become active worldwide. In the United States, President Joe Biden has issued a policy statement by the Federal Communications Commission (FTC) that 'strengthens legal measures against manufacturer practices that limit the right to repair,' and Apple issued a policy statement in 2022. In April, we started a ' self-service repair program ' that allows users to repair their iPhones themselves.
Meanwhile, the United States' first law stipulating 'the right to repair a wide range of electronic devices' passed in favor of the New York State Legislature Senate on June 1 49: against 14 and passed the State Legislature House on June 3. Agree 145: Passed with 1 against. The bill requires all manufacturers selling 'digital electronic products' in the state to make repair tools, parts and repair manuals available to both consumers and independent stores. When Governor Hochul signs the bill, it will officially become a law and will come into force a year later, around mid-2023.
IFixit, which sells repair equipment and other products, immediately responded to the passage of the bill, which will allow independent repair shops to compete with manufacturers' repair services, as well as for consumers who want to repair their devices on their own. Also states that there are benefits. He also argued that the mandatory provision of repair tools, parts and repair manuals in New York would likely make repair manuals available in other states as well.
The bill does not include electronic devices that grant the right to repair home appliances, medical equipment, automobiles, agricultural machinery, etc., and also excludes communication equipment for public safety purposes, such as radios for police officers. However, similar bills passed in the United States in the past have a limited scope, and this bill, which covers a wide range of electronic devices, has great significance.
Nathan Proctor, campaign director for repair rights at the US Public Interest Research Group , a non-profit organization, said that manufacturers' opposition has prevented many states from enacting repair rights legislation. It's the first state to enact a law for consumer equipment. ' In the future, he said that he will proceed with further activities so that farmers' tractors and home appliances can also be repaired.
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