Grilled Haras, Toro Haras, Silver Salmon, Salmon Toro Anyway, salmon-made Famima `` Salmon Zanmai Don '' Tasting Review

In addition to torohalas, grilled belas, cut off coho salmon, topped with 2 slices of salmon fatty tuna and coho salmon. `` Salmon Zanmai Don '' made with salmon appeared from FamilyMart on August 8, 2023. I actually tried to see what the seafood bowl using multiple salmon tastes like.

A seafood rice bowl that makes effective use of ingredients and allows you to fully enjoy salmon! Released 'Salmon Zanmai Don' full of salmon! ~ Contribution to food loss reduction by using cut off when processing fish ~ | News Release | FamilyMart

I bought 'Salmon Zanmai Don'.

The calorie is 448 kcal per package. Raw materials include silver salmon, salmon trout tatami, silver salmon, Atlantic salmon, grilled Atlantic salmon, and green onions.

It looks like this when you open the lid.


A slice of silver salmon is also included.

The rice is vinegared rice, so it feels like eating sushi salmon. It's not fishy and tastes like an uncooked version of grilled salmon.

This is a crisp texture. Overall, the salty taste is strong, so you may not need soy sauce.

Tataki spreads the taste of salmon in your mouth. Convenience store salmon lunches sometimes taste bitter due to the seasoning liquid, but this has a refreshing and gentle taste.

The price of Salmon Zanmai Don is 598 yen including tax and is sold at FamilyMart nationwide.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1p_kr