What happens when you go out into space without wearing a space suit?

In order for astronauts to survive and operate safely in outer space, it is essential to wear

a spacesuit . Kurzgesagt , a science YouTube channel, explains what happens when you go into outer space without wearing a spacesuit.

What If You're in Space without a Spacesuit?-YouTube

'What happens when you go out into outer space without wearing a spacesuit?'

When you go out into space without a spacesuit, the gas in your lungs and blood will expand first. Furthermore, the water in the body boils and evaporates and is released to the outside of the body.

It is said that the skin and organs that have lost moisture will gradually become sore.

However, the expansion of gas does not immediately stop the body's

circulatory system .

It is possible to keep the blood pressurized slightly by the work of the circulatory system.

It also provides enough oxygen for about 15 seconds to keep the brain conscious.

However, it does not last long, and it is said that humans will suffocate to death within two minutes of being released into space.

If there were a star near a suffocated corpse, the unobstructed rays of the sun would hit it directly and the corpse would be charred to a crisp.

If the suffocation occurred in cold deep space, far from the star, the corpse will not freeze immediately.

The reason is that there is no air in space and no

convective heat transfer occurs. Therefore, it is said that it takes time for the corpse to freeze.

There is no oxygen or water in outer space, and the temperature is an extreme environment, with literally burning heat and instant freezing cold.

In such an environment, corpses do not decompose as they do on Earth.

As a result, corpses are thought to float in space for millions of years.

Kurzgesagt concludes, 'It's not a good idea to go out into space without wearing a spacesuit.'

in Science,   Video, Posted by log1r_ut