What happens to the body after you die?

When a person dies cremation · burial ·Burial funeralThere are few opportunities to know what kind of change will happen to the corpse, because a funeral is tailored to that culture. If a corpse is left as it is, a comic animated movie explaining what happens and what happens with the movie "What Happens After You Die?"Has been released.

What Happens After You Die? - YouTube

"Death" is a sad event of life, but it is also an unavoidable event. Because everyone will die.

Let's see what kind of change will happen to the body after death.

As soon as humans die, body temperature starts to decline.

It is roughly 0.8 degree per hour, and it goes down to the same temperature.

On the other hand, the cell also starts to die.

Cells from which oxygen is no longer supplied gradually died, and the lungs and heart etc. no longer function.

Even after human death the cells will not die soon and they are causing chemical reactions. Carbon dioxide is released and the cell gradually changes to acidic.

And, the intracellular enzyme starts breaking the cell membrane ... ...

Cell fluid leaks out.

Enzyme carried by cell fluid spreads to other cells ......

Cells are acceleratedly destroyed.

Also, because there is no blood flow to each organ, blood color is lost. In addition, blood begins to leak from organs.

Therefore, in the case of a lying corpse, blood should accumulate in the back part due to gravity.

And what happens in 2 hours to 6 hours after death is "Rigor Mortis (Rigor after death) "

When I was alive I was able to move my body freely with my muscles.

However, when nutrition to the muscles is cut off, the muscles become hard and will not move. This is stiff after death. Postmortem stiffness lasts three days after death.

After a few days of death "Putrefaction" will progress.

Cellular tissue starts to be destroyed by the action of bacteria.

And, to have a putrefaction odor. This is because methane gas and hydrogen sulfide are released from the cell.

Gas generated in the body expands the internal organs.

As the pressure rises, the blood oozing out of the internal organs comes out of the body.

If the gas gets into the MAX state, the body may explode and gases may be released.

Dead bodies drifting putrid smell drift flies.

Flocked flies are laying eggs in corpses ... ...

Uzi who came back from eggs gobbles the body.

Many insects as well as Uzu devour corpses.

Between 20 and 50 days after death "Butyric Fermentation (Butyric acid fermentation) "Occurs.

In this process the carcasses dry thoroughly.

Dead bodies that have been eaten by animals, insects, bacteria and many other creatures ......

After several years I will return to nature leaving only bones.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log