Clearly that erroneous reports to the police are occurring frequently due to Android's emergency call function

Android has
Android suffers from emergency call false positive issues

Android's emergency call function is a function that allows you to use emergency SOS by quickly pressing the power button of the smartphone five times or more. With Emergency SOS, it is also possible to automatically call the local emergency call number.
You can find out how to enable Emergency SOS and what you can do with Emergency SOS by checking the official Android help page below.
Get help in an emergency using your Android phone - Android Help

Police across the UK are plagued by false calls to 999 because of Android's emergency calling feature, reports the BBC .
The National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC), the UK's representative body for police chiefs, said 'Nationally, the number of calls to 999 is at an all-time high. Android smartphone updates are having an impact.' ``The Android update adds a new Emergency SOS feature that allows the device to call 999 when the power button is pressed five or more times.'' He points out that the reason for the increase in false alarms to 999 is due to Android's emergency call function.
In response, Android developer Google commented to the BBC, ``We expect Android device manufacturers to release updates to address this issue.'' In other words, Google believes that it is the device manufacturer that should deal with false alarms from the emergency call function.
In addition, Apple's iPhone and Apple Watch are equipped with a collision accident detection function, and you can automatically contact the emergency call service when an accident occurs. With this collision accident detection function, it is reported that there were 134 false reports in just one month to the fire department in charge of mountain rescue in Japan.
More than 100 wrong calls are made per month in Japan due to the iPhone's collision accident detection function - GIGAZINE

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