YouTube is testing 'a function that does not show videos unless the ad blocker is turned off'

It is reported that YouTube is conducting an experiment to prevent some users from viewing videos without disabling an ad blocker or subscribing to YouTube Premium , a paid plan.
YouTube tests blocking videos unless you disable ad blockers

YouTube has started blocking ad blockers

On Reddit, an online bulletin board site, there was a post saying, 'Apparently Youtube doesn't allow ad blockers. Is this something new?' The post also includes an image of a popup that says 'YouTube does not allow ad blockers,' and said that the video could not be seen because this popup was displayed on the screen.
Apparently Ad Blockers are not allowed on Youtube.

The popup also said, 'You may be using an ad blocker.' 'Ads are what makes YouTube free to billions of users around the world. In addition, the popup urges the user to choose two options: 'disable the ad blocker and allow the display of advertisements' and 'register for YouTube Premium'.
Google has been in conflict with ad blockers for many years, and in order to eliminate ad blocker extensions from Chrome, it has requested that the extension API be migrated to Manifest V3 and the project of the YouTube browsing application 'Vanced' that can block advertisements be stopped. I was doing
YouTube application 'Vanced' that can block advertisements is discontinued, is it due to a request from Google - GIGAZINE

A YouTube spokesperson said, 'We are rolling out a small global experiment to encourage viewers with ad blockers enabled to allow ads on YouTube or try YouTube Premium. The detection is not new, and we urge users to disable ad blockers on other services on a regular basis.'
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