'HandleFinder' that you can see where your handle name is used on the net

There should be many people who use a handle name instead of their real name for the ID required when using SNS and web services. However, on the Internet, which is used by hundreds of millions of people, it is possible that another person happens to be using the same ID as the handle name you are using. If you use 'HandleFinder', you can easily search which SNS uses your handle name.

Handle Finder


Just enter the handle name you want to check and click 'SEARCH' OK.

After a few seconds, the search results will be displayed. Try clicking 'Facebook' from the search results.


Facebook's official account page was displayed.

He also has an account on the adult video site xvideos. I didn't remember anything about it, so I checked it out.

Then, the account of a 54-year-old American man hit. It just happened to be registered with the same name, and it was a completely different person.

This time, I searched for 'elonmusk'.

194 hit accounts. Most of them are of course not mine.

This HandleFinder is said to be using the development project ' Sherlock ' of a tool to find a specific account from a social network. HandleFinder is also open source and has a hosted repository on GitHub.

GitHub - bnkc/handlefinder: search handles across hundreds of social networks

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk