Elon Mask's TwitterCEO retirement vote reached a majority in favor of retirement, but Elon Mask agrees with the opinion that ``voting is by bot'' and ``voting rights should be limited to Twitter paid members''

Twitter CEO Elon Musk held a

vote on December 19, 2022 to ask whether he should resign as CEO . As a result of the vote, a majority of people wanted Mr. Musk to step down as CEO, but Mr. Musk said, ``There are a lot of deep state bots on Twitter, and the results of this vote were manipulated by bots.'' I agree with the opinion that 'voting rights should only be given to paid members of Twitter.'

Since Mr. Mask acquired Twitter and became CEO, he has been promoting drastic reforms such as charging for certified marks and mass dismissal of employees . On the other hand, Mr. Mask's management policy has been pointed out that Mr. Mask's requirements for employees are too strict and that the mass unfreezing of accounts carried out by Mr. Mask relies too much on personal emotions. also received many negative comments.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mask said on December 19, 2022, ``Do you think I should resign as the person in charge of Twitter? It was conducted. More than 17.5 million users took part in the vote, with 57.5% voting in favor of leaving the CEO.

As mentioned above, Mr. Mask's CEO retirement vote resulted in a majority of those in favor of retirement, but there are many voices on the Internet questioning the legitimacy of the vote. For example, Kim Dotcom, known as the founder of online storage services ' Megaupload ' and ' MEGA ', said, 'Hi Mask. You are perceived as an enemy by the Deep State, so it is not a good idea to conduct such a vote. Not wise, the Deep State has the largest army of bots on Twitter.The Deep State has 100,000 'analysts' with 30-40 accounts who are voting against it.' I am posting a conspiracy theory-like opinion.

In response to the absurd opinion above, Mr. Mask replied, 'It's interesting.'

In addition, the following users argued that ``voting rights should only be given to Twitter Blue subscribers in the case of voting related to Twitter policy.''

Regarding this opinion, Mr. Mask said, 'It's a great point of view. Twitter plans to make that change,' and hinted at the implementation of a voting function with limited voting rights.

At the time of writing the article, more than 12 hours have passed since the result of the vote asking whether Mr. Mask should resign as CEO, but Mr. Mask has not clearly mentioned whether he really resigns as CEO. However, from the above postings, it seems quite possible that the voting rights will be narrowed down and a re-vote will be implemented.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf