'Firefox 104' official release, scroll snap can be specified more flexibly

The official version of the web browser 'Firefox 104' has been released. You can now specify the snapping behavior of scroll containers more flexibly, allowing web apps to be implemented more like native apps.
Firefox 104.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
◆Specify behavior related to scroll position snapping
Now supports scroll-snap-stop property and resnapping . The scroll-snap-stop property can be set to always or normal value, which allows you to specify whether to pass through the snap position during fast scrolling.
.mandatory-scroll-snapping > div {
/* Do not allow past snap points when the scroll container's visual viewport is fast scrolled */
scroll-snap-stop: always;
.proximity-scroll-snapping > div {
/* Allow the scroll container's visual viewport to pass through snap points when fast scrolled */
scroll-snap-stop: normal;
Also, resnapping tries to maintain the previous snap position as much as possible when the content or layout is changed.
◆ Added picture-in-picture subtitle service
Subtitles are now available for Picture-in-Picture on Disney+ .
◆Enhancement of PDF viewer function
You can now write text, draw, and sign on the PDF viewer.
◆ Analysis of site power consumption
You can now analyze website power usage with Firefox Profiler.
This feature is only available on Apple M1 and Windows 11.
◆ Reduced resource consumption when minimized or hidden
Minimizing or hiding the Firefox UI now reduces performance and battery consumption, similar to background tabs.
◆ Display correction of webmail UI
Highlighting is now retained correctly after pressing the Enter key in the Yahoo Mail and Outlook compose screens.
◆Fixes related to navigating through error pages
Back after bypassing an error page now takes you to the previously visited site instead of the error page.
◆ Paste without formatting
Unformatted paste shortcuts (Shift+Ctrl/Cmd+V) are now available for plain text content like text inputs and textareas.
Firefox 104 also includes 6 security bug fixes .
The next major version, 'Firefox 105', will be released on September 20, 2022, local time.
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in Software, Posted by log1c_sh