Updated policy so that businesses that provide non-face-to-face abortion medications from Google can also label 'abortion medications'

Until now, Google has only allowed companies that offer abortion labels themselves, but even businesses that update their policies and deliver medicines dispensed after remote medical care. Revised to be able to put out the label 'Providing abortion'.

Update to Abortion certification and disclosures policy (July 2022) --Advertising Policies Help


Google Eases Ad Restrictions for Abortion Pill Providers

Traditional Google policy is whether advertisers in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland have or do not have an abortion on their equipment when they place ads using queries related to 'abortion.' I had to self-report in advance. After verifying the content of the declaration, you will be eligible to place an advertisement, and Google will automatically either 'provide an abortion' or 'do not provide an abortion' for the advertiser's advertisement for abortion-related products and services. Was disclosed in the advertisement.

With this policy change, the applicable conditions for information disclosure have been updated so that advertisers who advertise abortion drugs can now display 'Provide abortion' even if they do not provide drugs on their own equipment. Will be. A specific example is a healthcare provider who is authorized to deliver the dispensed medication after a remote medical consultation. To qualify for this disclosure, you must be certified as an online pharmacy in accordance with existing medical and pharmaceutical policies. Also, the target is limited to American advertisers.

The policy change is due to the removal of the requirement that abortion drugs need to be dispensed face-to-face in December 2021 by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt