Firefox brings super-powerful privacy protection to users around the world

The ``comprehensive cookie protection '' tracking prevention feature of the open source web browser ``

Firefox '' has been enabled by default for all users. The 'comprehensive cookie protection feature' allows you to manage cookies individually for each website using the cookie management system ' cookie jar ' and prevent user data from being shared between different websites.

Firefox Rolls Out Total Cookie Protection By Default To All Users

When you visit a website, cookies are stored in your web browser that record your actions on that website. Cookies record a wide variety of information such as the contents of shopping site carts and names, addresses, and email addresses entered into input forms. It is used to improve user convenience, such as by automatically entering email addresses.

However, by using a mechanism called ' third-party cookies ,' a third party can track your actions on different websites. In recent years, many cases have been reported in which behavioral history on websites, such as consultation content on healthcare information sites and browsing history on dating sites , has been leaked, and tracking using third-party cookies has been implicated in these information leaks. Mozilla , the developer of Firefox, points out that. Regarding the current situation where users' online actions are monitored and tracked by websites, Mozilla says, ``The possibility that users' online actions are being monitored, tracked, and shared is real. It goes against the open web we've been trying to build. We've developed 'comprehensive cookie protection' to protect our users.'

The ``comprehensive cookie protection function'' is provided by the cookie management system ``cookie jar,'' which was included as a new feature in `` Firefox 91 '' released in August 2021. Conventional web browsers store cookies saved by each website in one place, and by analyzing the contents of cookies, websites can link data of users who use different websites. . On the other hand, since 'cookie jar' stores cookies in different locations for each website, each website cannot access cookies from different websites, making it difficult to track users.

According to Mozilla, the ``comprehensive cookie protection'' will be enabled by default for all users from June 14, 2022. When I actually checked on the editorial department's PC, an item called ``Try the most powerful privacy protection ever'' was added to the ``Privacy and Security'' screen in the settings. However, depending on the PC, the setting item did not exist, or it existed but was disabled by default, so it seems that it may take several days before the ``comprehensive cookie protection function'' is provided to all users. is.

in Software,   Security, Posted by log1o_hf