What is the purpose of the hacker group Anonymous filling up Chinese educational sites related to the Tiananmen Square Incident?

Anonymous hacks Chinese educational site to mark Tiananmen massacre | Taiwan News | 2022-06-06 11:18:00
Interacting Questions and Answers-| Ghostarchive
Taiwan News reported that the vocational and adult education network in Jiangsu Province, China has been tampered with the word 'TAIWAN NUMBAH WAN!' And the page with the Taiwanese flag and emblem at the top. It was reported that a similar wording, which is said to have been memed from a video streamer's remark, was displayed on the Chinese government's website on January 18, 2022, and on the UN's website on January 26. In each case, the request by the hacker group Anonymous is included in the tampering content. The page has been deleted, but you can see its contents in Ghost Archive, which saves an archive of the deleted web pages.

Anonymous is a group that hacks for political intentions, and it is thought that the cause of resuming full-scale activities in May 2020 was the assault and murder of a black man by a white police officer. Even in this hack, there is a clear statement of intention, 'I am taking a break from the request regarding Ukraine and doing activities to remember the Tiananmen Square incident.'

Next, he explained the song ' Fragile ', which was released by a Malaysian rapper and an Australian singer based in Taiwan, and satirized Chinese nationalist Internet citizens who recorded 12 million views in a week, and the Tiananmen Square Incident. The movie to be played is embedded ...
Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989)-YouTube
Known as a symbolic photograph of the 'Tiananmen Square Incident', the image of ' Tank Man ', which is strictly prohibited in China, is displayed in multiple patterns such as those reproduced in the game, and the page is Tiananmen It is filled with content that reminds us of the incident.

Anonymous goes on to clarify multiple demands for the international community. First, develop an antiviral treatment for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) based on Dr. Todd Ryder's new drug ' DRACO ' at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Next, take into account the idea of unifying the Korean Peninsula. And work to stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine and incorporate a neutral safe haven.
Also displayed are photos of 16 children who were the victims of the last mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The United States is reluctant to face internal threats, as it did. '
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in Note, Posted by log1e_dh