I tried playing a battle royal card game 'ONO 99' that fights for survival while making full use of simple addition

Mattel, which sells the ultra-standard card game 'UNO', has released a card game ' ONO 99 ' that is based on adding and subtracting numbers. Unlike UNO, where you play cards until you run out of cards while looking at colors and numbers, it is a battle royal type card game where players drop out when the total number of cards in the field is 99 or more. Saw.
Anyone can enjoy with simple rules! Take out the cards in order and drop out if the total is 99 or more! New sense addition game 'ONO 99' released from late May | mattel
First, check the contents and rules of ONO 99. ONO 99 can be played by 2 to 6 people and is for ages 7 and up.

The contents are 112 cards and an instruction manual.

There are five types of cards. The first is a number card with numbers from 0 to 10 written. There are 8 0's, 6 1-9's, and 10 10's for a total of 72.

Next, 10 special cards that excite the game. The black card with large ``ONO 99'' is ``Oh No Card'', the green card on the right is ``Reverse Card'', the light blue card is minus 10 cards, and the red card is ``Play 2 Card''.

This time we decided to play with the maximum number of 6 people. First, the 'parent' of the game is decided, the cards are shuffled, and the parent distributes 4 cards face down to each player. Stack the rest of the cards face down in the center.
After each player takes a hand so that only they can see it, the game starts with the player to the left of the parent.

First, the player chooses one card from his hand, turns it face up, puts it on the field, and declares the number written on the card. In this case, it is '5', so the player declares '5'.

Then, immediately draw one card from the deck. The number of cards in your hand never decreases in this game, and you always have 4 cards in your hand.

After drawing a card, the next player takes a turn. The next player also puts out a card from his hand in the same way, but at that time he declares the number declared earlier plus the number of cards he puts out. In this case, the player has to declare '15' because '5' is followed by '10' cards.

Since you just add the numbers from 0 to 10, there is basically no confusion about the calculation, and the speed at which the turn turns is considerable. '8 plus 15 is 23!' '32!'

I'm going to put out cards one after another like this, but if I'm not concentrating on the game, I'm confused, 'How old are you now?' Players should listen carefully to the numbers being declared, and when declaring numbers they should say them loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear them.

While everyone continues to issue only number cards, the long-awaited 'Play 2 Card' appears. This is a card that makes the next player repeat the turn twice, and the next player takes out one card and draws it twice in a row. Note that the total number does not change even if you put out a play 2 card, but you must always declare the current number.

However, the next player also counters by issuing a 'play 2 card'. With this, we have successfully avoided the effect of the Play 2 card and pushed the effect to the next player. Play 2 cards are not stacked, so the next player repeats their turn only 2 times.

'88!' '94!' The minus 10 card is a card that subtracts 10 from the total number as it is, and the player subtracts 10 from the current number 94 and declares '84'.

Perhaps all the players had hidden special cards, the more the game ended, the better the special cards came out, and the 'reverse cards' that reversed the procedure appeared one after another.

Immediately after the start of the game, there was no problem for the time being no matter what number you put out, but as you get to the end of the game, you will not be able to put out a 'large number', and your hand will gradually be squeezed. The '0' card shows its true value as it approaches '99'. Even if the number '98', which is one step before dropping out, comes around, you can somehow survive that turn by issuing this card.

``88!'', ``88!'', ``97!'', and finally one player declared withdrawal. It seems that the total number was 99 or more even if any of the cards in the hand were put out. The leaving player places their hand face down, and the remaining players skip the leaving player and continue the game.

In addition, it is safe because the effect of the special card that the player who left was supposed to receive will not be carried over to the next player.

The game progresses like this, and it's finally a one-on-one battle. Since the number of cards that can be issued is limited when it comes to this point, the game of luck will begin as to how to draw a special card.

Finally, one of the players leaves and the remaining player wins. There were 3 out of 4 'Oh no cards' in the hand of the player who left.

This card called 'Oh No Card' is a very troublesome existence, and the effect is 'It can be used only when 4 cards are gathered, and 4 cards can be put into play at once and 4 new cards can be drawn'. . It's a card that can aim for a reversal if you get it at the end of the game, but until you get it, it's just a 'blocking card' that puts pressure on your hand.

After playing the game a few times, the common sense that ``If you start with a large number of cards, you won't be disadvantaged later'' has permeated everyone. It became a play that approached '99' at once in the first two turns.

ONO 99 has a very simple and easy-to-understand card structure and effects, so it has a charm that even people who are not familiar with the game and small children can start immediately. However, there is a large element of luck when drawing cards, and the order in which cards are drawn is somewhat patterned, so the excitement may be a little lacking. When we reduced the number of players and compared them, some said that the game development would be a little redundant with a large number of players.

However, when playing with the minimum number of two people, the game speed became much faster, and even though the luck factor was strong, we were able to develop a dead heat that required a certain amount of strategy.

The manufacturer's suggested retail price of 'ONO 99' is 1100 yen including tax. ONO 99 is handled by Amazon.co.jp and can be purchased for 844 yen including tax at the time of article creation.

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