I tried playing ``Uno Flex'' where you can enjoy a high level of strategy by making full use of flex cards and changing colors and rules.

From April 29, 2023, 'Uno Flex', which adds 'Flex Cards' with two colors in one and 'Flex Symbol Cards' that can change the rules, to the standard card game ' Uno ' will be released from April 29, 2023. It is appearing. In 'Uno Flex', in addition to the regular Uno rules, by making full use of flex cards, you can aim for a big reversal that was impossible in previous Uno games. When Uno Flex arrived at our editorial department, we actually tried playing with it.

Uno Flex | Mattel Games Mattel Games | Mattel Mattel


The package of 'Uno Flex' looks like this. The number of players is assumed to be 2 to 8 people, and the target age is 7 years old or older.

Inside the package was a card and instructions.

The cards used in the game (PDF file) include cards with numbers written on them, as well as cards for draw 2, reverse, and skip, just like

regular Uno cards.

'Uno Flex' has some unique cards. One of them is the 'Power Card', which has a green check mark on the front and a red ✕ on the back. One power card is dealt to each player, and when used, they can change the content of the cards played. Used power cards will return to an unused state when everyone has finished using them, or due to the 'power card flip' effect that exists on some cards.

A 'flex card' is a card that has two meanings. The card below is a 'red 7', but if you use a power card, it will change to a flex 'yellow 7'. The flex only has meaning during your turn, and from your next turn onwards, this card will be treated as a 'red 7'.

Special cards such as Draw 2, Reverse, and Wild are also 'flex symbol cards', and flex effects can be activated by using power cards.

'Flex Draw 2' is an effect that forces the next player to draw two cards in normal play, but in flex it becomes an effect that forces all players to draw one card at a time.

The flex of 'Flex Reverse' activates reverse and skip at the same time, and the next player's turn is skipped at the same time as the direction of progress is reversed.

'Flex Skip' flex skips all players and takes your turn again.

The flex of 'Flex Wild Draw 2' has the effect of a normal wild card that 'you can discard any card on the field and declare your favorite color', as well as 'you can choose two players. , an effect has been added that allows you to draw two cards at a time.

The flex of 'Flex Wild Old Draw' adds the effect of 'making all players draw two cards each' to the normal wild card effect.

The flex of 'Flex Wild Draw 4' adds the effect of 'choose 4 players and have them draw 4 cards each' to the effect of the Draw 4 card. Furthermore, the rules and penalties for Wild Draw 4 are the same as for regular Uno, such as ``If there is another card that can be played, you may not play it, but if you do not know, you may play it.''

'Flex Wild Flip' allows you to flip everyone's power cards while declaring your favorite color.

Some number cards have a 'flipping icon' on them, and the player who issued this card must turn over his or her power card. While it is possible to return a used power card to an unused one, there is a risk that if the power card has not been used yet, it will have to be turned over without gaining any effect.

This time, we will play 'Uno Flex' with four people. First, deal 7 cards to each of the 4 players, and turn 1 card face up from the deck. Also, deal out one power card to each person and place them with the green side facing up.

The basic procedure of playing the same color or number is the same as normal Uno, but if you want to change from green to blue because there is no card in your hand that matches the card on the field, you can play a flex card. , turn over the power card. In this case, the card issued by the next player will be treated as a 'blue 7'.

As the play progressed, I was given a card with a face-down icon.

In this case, the player who issued the power card will turn over the power card. In this way, even if you use a power card once, you can use it again by playing a card with a face-down icon.

Power cards can be flipped over by performing a Flex Wild Flip, or if all players' power cards become red x's, they can all be turned over to the green side.

As with normal Uno rules, it is illegal to use Wild Draw 4 even if you have a valid card, and if the next player thinks he is using Wild Draw 4 illegally. Call 'Challenge'. A suspected player will reveal his cards only to the player who called them. This time, even though I had a red card, I used Wild Draw 4, and it was pointed out to me, so I was called a foul.

In addition to drawing 4 cards as per Wild Draw 4 rules, the offending player must also draw 2 more cards as a penalty.

The rule of declaring 'Uno!' when you have two cards in hand and discard one of them remains the same. If another player points out that they forgot to declare, that player draws two cards from the deck.

A player who has played all his cards will score points based on the total points of the other players' remaining cards. Numbered cards from 0 to 9 are scored according to their numbers, and special cards are 20 points for draw 2, reverse, and skip, and 50 points for wild cards, regardless of whether they are flex or not. The scores are totaled for each round, and the first player to reach 500 points wins.

When you actually play Uno Flex, you will find that the Flex card solves the difficulty of regular Uno, ``When your hand gets low, you run out of cards.'' The addition of flex cards certainly increases the time required for each game, but the addition of various rules has made the game a game that greatly expands the range of strategies.

The suggested retail price of 'Uno Flex' is 1210 yen including tax, and at the time of article creation it is available at Amazon.co.jp for 654 yen including tax.

Amazon.co.jp: Mattel Game UNO Uno Flex [Card Game] [112 cards, for 2-8 players] [7 years old and up] HMY99: Toys

Uno Flex can also be obtained from the gift article below.

GIGAZINE Winter gift release project 'Please answer the questionnaire and bring them all!' - GIGAZINE

in Review,   Game, Posted by log1r_ut