NVIDIA Open Sources GPU Kernel Module for Linux, Already Downloadable

by Jonathan Cutrer
NVIDIA has open sourced the GPU kernel module for Linux. The source code is released under a dual license of GPL license and MIT license , and it is already available for download at the time of writing the article.
NVIDIA Releases Open-Source GPU Kernel Modules | NVIDIA Technical Blog
Until now, it has been widely known that NVIDIA is not active in opening source GPU-related software, and in 2012 Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux , thrusts a middle finger at NVIDIA who neglects to support Linux. Was occurring. However, it was whispered that in 2018 NVIDIA made the physics engine 'PhysX' open source, indicating that NVIDIA is willing to participate in the open source community.
And on May 11, 2022, NVIDIA announced the open source of kernel modules for Linux. The open source kernel module is published in the following GitHub repository.
GitHub-NVIDIA / open-gpu-kernel-modules: NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source

NVIDIA commented on the benefits of open source kernel modules: 'Developers can see kernel event workload interactions and accelerate debugging. In addition, drivers for Linux kernels with unique changes for the enterprise. It can be integrated seamlessly. '
In addition, Linux-related news site Phoronix complained that this open source has not reached the driver for users, 'It is still a long way for gamers using GeForce (GPU made by NVIDIA) on Linux. However, this open source of kernel modules is a great step forward andwill help improve kernel integration, improve the setup experience, improve driver installation management, and more. ' Related software We commend you for taking a step towards open source.
In addition, AMD, a rival of NVIDIA, is developing a project ' GPUOpen ' that publishes GPU drivers and various tools in open source, and has achieved many results such as improving performance with open source 3DCG software 'Blender'. I am. If NVIDIA advances the open source of GPU-related software, there is a possibility that optimization with various software will proceed as well as AMD.
Open source 3DCG software 'Blender' enhances support for AMD GPUs in version 3.0-GIGAZINE

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