`` Digital Services Law '' that prohibits targeting users with advertisements based on religion, gender, and sexual preference is agreed in the EU

EU member states and the European Parliament agreed on April 22, 2022 on the Digital Services Act (DSA) , which prohibits the EU from targeting online users based on religion, gender, and sexual preference. is reported to be possible.

EU to unveil law to force Big Tech to police illegal content | Financial Times

EU to unveil landmark law to force Big Tech to police illegal content | Ars Technica

DMA: EU legislators resist pressure to change data provisions in the final text – EURACTIV.com

The DSA, along with the Digital Market Act (DMA), was submitted to legislation in December 2020. The following article summarizes what kind of bill the DSA is specifically.

The European Commission proposes a ``digital market law'' and a ``digital services law'' that impose a maximum of 10% of revenue as a fine on Google, Amazon, etc.-GIGAZINE

The DSA will be the first legal set of rules for how companies should ensure their users are safe online. For example, DSA prohibits ' dark patterns ' that induce people to click on Internet content involuntarily.

In addition, in light of the pandemic of the new coronavirus and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, an emergency system will be included to disclose whether the platform is taking measures against fake news and propaganda. In addition, targeting advertisements that display advertisements in a targeted manner based on user attributes, behavior, interests, and interests are also expected to be prohibited.

In addition to SNS, search engines are also subject to DSA crackdowns, so Google, Microsoft, etc. need to assess the risk of users disseminating misinformation on their search platforms.

Medium-sized platforms will be given a grace period to fully comply with DSA, but platforms with at least 45 million users, such as Google and Twitter, are defined as ``large platforms''. It seems that immediate compliance is required. Non-compliant companies will be fined up to 6% of their global turnover.

According to the Financial Times, a British business newspaper, the European Parliament is divided between 'the DSA-promoting faction that wants to strengthen privacy protection' and 'the liberal faction that wants to limit business-friendly regulations', and the two factions are in a tense relationship. It is said that there is. ``We have momentum now. Now is the perfect time to reach an agreement. The DSA will protect us by allowing platforms to take responsibility for their algorithms, perform risk assessment and risk mitigation,” he said.

“The DSA will enable regulators to act to help online users buy products and express themselves safely,” said Margrethe Vestager, the EU's vice president for digital policy. rice field. Also, EU officials involved in the bill said, 'DSA shows that online platforms do not unilaterally decide what users see on the Internet.'

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