Epic Games announces 'Reality Scan' that can scan objects with a smartphone and generate ultra-high quality 3D models

Epic Games, known for developing the popular battle royale game '
Introducing RealityScan --CapturingReality.com
Until a few years ago, it was necessary to use expensive equipment and software to scan objects in 3D, but in recent years it has become possible to easily perform 3D scanning using the cameras and sensors of smartphones. Reality Scan, developed by Epic Games, is also an app that allows you to 3D scan objects using your smartphone's camera. You can understand what kind of application RealityScan is by playing the following movie.
Introducing: RealityScan --YouTube
To scan an object with RealityScan, just point the camera of your smartphone at the object and move around.

Then, the object will be scanned by making full use of the camera and motion sensor of the smartphone. At this time, the captured image data is displayed around the object, so you can check if there are any omissions during scanning.

The scanned data is sent to the Epic Games server for conversion into a 3D model.

The created 3D model can be used to create 3D content.

In addition, the created 3D model can be easily uploaded to the 3D data sharing / sales platform 'Sketchfab'.
The 3D model of the chair created in the introductory video has also been
Reality Scan was distributed in beta for iOS on April 4, 2022 for 10,000 people only. The 3D model of the chair created by the overseas media The Verge after obtaining the beta version is as follows. Unlike the 3D model created in the introductory video, the outline is dirty and some of the columns have disappeared.
The 3D model of the water bottle also has a missing part, with unnecessary white space on the right side. According to The Verge, the terminal used is '

The Early Access version of Reality Scan for iOS will be released in the spring of 2022, and the Android version will be released in 2022.
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