A cat ear device that reads brain waves and moves according to emotions

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Arduino ' is a small microcomputer developed by open source, and you can create your own hardware relatively easily by using Arduino. Jessica , who works as a hardware and software developer, explains on her blog the process of making her own 'cat ear device that moves by reading emotions from brain waves' using Arduino.

EEG Cat Ears — Jazz DiMauro

Mr. Jessica said that he saw a movie of the cat ear device ' necomimi ' that moves according to emotions and came up with a project to customize a commercially available brain wave headset and turn it into a cat ear device. You can see how 'necomimi', which Jessica seems to have referred to, actually works in the movie taken at the following Tokyo Game Show 2012.

I took a picture of 'necomimi' catching brain waves and moving around-YouTube

According to Jessica, in order to make the cat ear device in question, he started by attaching an ear model to the servo motor and creating a mechanism to move the ears. Below is a demonstration movie of this mechanism that moves the ears.

In order to attach the above servo motor to the brain wave reading headset 'MindWave', Jessica designed the attachment part with the CAD tool ' SOLIDWORKS ' and output it with a 3D printer.

When you attach the servo motor and cat ears to the headset with the mounting parts that you actually output, it looks like this. Since the prototype version of the mounting parts did not consider the shape of the wearer's head and the amount of hair, there was a problem that the position of the cat ears became asymmetrical.

So Jessica redesigned the mounting parts to fit the curved surface of the headset and the wearer's head. The redesigned mounting parts are as follows. With this, the problem of the cat ear attachment part has been cleared.

MindWave is a headset that reads brain waves and outputs the degree of attention as a numerical value from 0 to 100. Mr. Jessica wrote a program in Arduino that the ears will hang down when the threshold is exceeded and the ears will hang down when the threshold is exceeded, aiming for the action that 'the ears hang down like a sad cat when the wearer's concentration is interrupted'. Connected to MindWave.

MindWave at the time of writing the article supports wireless communication by Bluetooth, but it is said that wireless communication was not supported at the time of 2011 when the cat ear device creation project was done. So Jessica also designed a dedicated module to connect MindWave and Arduino.

The prototype of the cat ear device looks like this. In addition to the brain wave reading headset, Arduino, dedicated modules, power supplies, wiring, etc. are lined up in a mess.

The following are cat ear devices that use AA batteries as the power source and have been made compact such as wiring. Some parts fit in a blue necklace-like part.

When actually attached, it looks like this. The gray part of the forehead reads the brain waves, and the cat ears move according to emotions.

Below is how the cat ear device developed by Jessica actually works. The cat ears are moving the moment the wearer decides on the menu at the coffee shop.

Later, by adopting a lithium-ion battery instead of an AA battery and optimizing the wiring, the cat ear device was made compact as follows.

The 3D model data of the cat ear device created by Jessica is published on the following page.

MindWave Cat Ears by whichlights --Thingiverse


in Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf