Build your own open source robot arm for just $370

Alexander Koch, who aims to build a general-purpose AI for robots, has released a robot arm that can be made for just around $250 (about 37,000 yen) on GitHub.

GitHub - AlexanderKoch-Koch/low_cost_robot

Below is a video of the open source robot arm that Koch has published on GitHub in action. This robot arm is not only cheap, but can also be trained with machine learning to move using only camera images and the status of the joints.

The two arms can also work together to fold clothes.

Two strong servo motors, the 'Dynamixel XL430-W250,' are used in the joints, while four lightweight 'Dynamixel XL330-M288-T,' weighing just 18g each, provide agile movement.

The design was based on another robot arm project called ' ALOHA ' being undertaken by Meta, Stanford University, and others, and the robot arm project ' GELLO ' from the University of California, Berkeley.

The procurement costs for parts are as follows:

parts price Purchase Link
Dynamixel XL430-W250 x 2 $100 (about 15,000 yen)
Dynamixel XL330-M288-T x 4 $96 (approx. 14,500 yen)
Idle gear for XL330 10 dollars (about 1,500 yen)
Idle gear for XL430 7 dollars (about 1,000 yen)
Serial Bus Servo Driver Board $ 10
Voltage reducer 4 dollars (about 600 yen)
12V power supply $12 (about 1,800 yen)
Table clamp 6 dollars (about 900 yen)
wire $7

An expert can assemble it in 20 minutes.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1l_ks