What is the number one place with more than 330,000 reviews published in the ranking of the most reviewed places on Google Maps?

Each facility listed on Google Maps may receive 'reviews' from general users. The site 'Top-Rated.online', which aggregates reviews of such Google maps and summarizes them in a ranking format, has been released, so I checked it.

Discover the most reviewed places in your city | Top-Rated.Online


First, let's check the ' ranking of places with a large number of reviews '. The place with the most reviews is Masjid al-Haram , the sanctuary of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, where the Kaaba is located. As many as 331,393 reviews have been received. The second place is the Trevi Fountain located in Rome, Italy. 3rd place is the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, 4th place is the Colosseum in Rome, and 5th place is the Indian Gate in Mumbai, India.

Click each facility name to jump to the details page. For example, in the case of the Trevi Fountain, in addition to information such as '7th in the high evaluation ranking in Rome's tourist attractions' and '1st in the evaluation number ranking in Rome's tourist attractions', the number of reviews and the transition graph of the evaluation are displayed. It has been.

It is common in the world that if there is a good evaluation, there is also a bad evaluation. You can also check the '

ranking of places with bad ratings ' on this site. To check, click 'view worst rated' from the previous ranking .

Then the ranking will be sorted in descending order of bad reviews. Only locations with more than 50 reviews are picked up here. The sports gym called

Fit / One in Bamberg , Germany, won the first prize. Most of the 76 reviews compiled by Top-Rated.online have a 1-star (lowest) rating, with reviews such as 'I have withdrawn but my membership fee continues to be deducted.'

You can also check the rankings by country and city on this site. If you check the ' Ranking of places with a lot of reviews in Japan ', the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland Paris are ranked in for some reason, but if you exclude them, Tokyo Disney Resort is the first place. Tokyo Disneyland was in 2nd place, Tokyo DisneySea was in 3rd place, Tokyo Sky Tree was in 4th place, and Universal Studios Japan was in 5th place.

In addition, the ranking by country / city has a function called 'hidden gems' that can display only places with an average rating of 4.5 or higher, but the number of ratings is less than 100, so you can know 'hidden sights'. It is also convenient when you want to.

in Review, Posted by log1p_kr