Family members who have confiscated more than 100 million yen due to Amazon's accusation appeal for the abolition of the legal system

In the United States, there is a system called 'Civil forfeiture' that allows law enforcement agencies to confiscate assets without the need for conviction. There is also
The United States of Amazon: The Day Amazon Sent the FBI to Take My Family's Bank Accounts | by Amy Nelson | Feb, 2022 | Medium

This time,
The incident began when Amy Nelson's husband, Karl Nelson, was suspected of being bridged by Amazon. In 2017, Amazon employee Carl Nelson was involved in a real estate transaction that is the base of Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Amazon was involved in this transaction with Carl Nelson and a colleague. He accused the judiciary (PDF file) of receiving a bribe of millions of dollars, and the judiciary used a civil confiscation system to confiscate Mr. Carl Nelson's assets.
At this time, in addition to the amount of bribes paid to Mr. Carl Nelson for civil confiscation, Amazon also specified income from real estate transactions that Mr. Carl Nelson was involved in in the past. In addition, Amy Nelson has also designated the income earned from running The Riveter as confiscated, with law enforcement confiscating a total of more than $ 892,000 from the Nelson family.
Amy Nelson asked law enforcement agencies to disclose the accusations by Amazon, but could not confirm the accusations. Also, according to Amy Nelson, law enforcement agencies have confiscated more than millions of dollars in assets from 53 companies, investors, law firms and individuals in the past following Amazon's allegations. Small and medium-sized enterprises were forced to close, and more than 50 people lost their jobs. The Nelson family also suffers significant financial losses, such as selling their homes and cars to cover legal costs. Amy Nelson also mentioned the experience of being asked to pay a year's rent in advance by a lender who knew about civil confiscation when renting a rented house. It emphasizes the magnitude of the influence.

Amy Nelson said of the civil confiscation system that undermined the trust of the Nelson family: 'Civil confiscation was initially used to confiscate ships and cargo that violated customs duties, but in recent years it has even been necessary to prosecute, let alone convict. It is used as a method of confiscating property without civil confiscation. Over the past 20 years, more than 68.8 billion dollars (about 7.91 trillion yen) have been confiscated in the United States, but the target to which civil confiscation is applied is colored race .・ There are statistics that are biased towardimmigrants and low-income earners, and it can be said that they are in an unbalanced state. Also, since civil confiscation is a source of funds for law enforcement agencies, they are proactive in law enforcement agencies. There is an incentive for civil confiscation. '
In addition, Amy Nelson said that the problem of civil confiscation is that 'individuals subject to civil confiscation tend to accept confiscation regardless of whether they are guilty or not because of the high amount of the proceedings.' He argues that the civil confiscation system violates the due process guarantees stipulated in the Fifth Amendments to the United States Constitution, Articles 5 and 14.
The funds confiscated by the Nelson family were suddenly returned in February 2022. However, Amy Nelson said, 'The law enforcement agency suddenly returned our money. No trial, no apology, no much discussion, just returned. We have Amazon's accusations. I couldn't see it, and I couldn't even know why the authorities accepted it in the first place. We should be grateful that the case was over and move on. We cannot regain our predecessors. If our constitution still makes sense, we must end civil confiscation, 'he said, calling for the abolition of the civil confiscation system. increase.
The proceedings between the Nelson family and Amazon are continuing, and Amy Nelson is soliciting donations for legal costs at the link below. This donation solicitation has received a great deal of attention, with a total of $ 68,876 (about 7.92 million yen) from 3,67 people at the time of writing the article.
Fundraiser by Amy Nelson: The Nelsons Need Your Help
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