It is reported that most of the 1.5 trillion yen generated by prison work is not in the hands of prisoners and is exploited.

In Japanese prisons, prisoners are assigned various jobs as 'prison work', but in the United States, it depends on the prison, and only some prisons are charged with prison work. Still, it seems that American prison work produces 11 billion dollars (about 1.5 trillion yen) of goods and services every year, but the United States reports that most of them are exploited without being returned to prisoners. Announced by the Civil Liberties Union.

Captive Labor: Exploitation of Incarcerated Workers | News & Commentary | American Civil Liberties Union

US prison workers produce $ 11B worth of goods and services for'little to no pay at all' | The Hill

According to the American Civil Liberties Union, more than 1.2 million people are imprisoned in state or federal prisons in the United States, of which about two-thirds are tasked with prison work. It is said that this prison work produces $ 2 billion (about 270 billion yen) of goods and $ 9 billion (about 1.21 trillion yen) of services annually.

However, the average hourly wage paid to American prisoners is only 13-52 cents (about 17-70 yen), and the US government has a maximum of 80 in the name of meals, legal fees, refunds, and prison maintenance costs. % Is collected. In addition, in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas, no wages were paid to prisoners, the American Freedom and Human Rights Association reports.

In addition, even though the wage deduction leaves less than half of the total amount paid to the inmate, the inmate needs to cover hygiene supplies and medical expenses on his own. As a result, about 70% of prison workers are unable to purchase daily necessities on prison wages alone.

Furthermore, it is basically impossible for prisoners to freely choose prison work, and the content of labor is basically chosen by the prison manager. Prison work is almost compulsory, and according to a survey by the Judiciary Statistics Bureau, more than 76% of those imprisoned in prisons performing prison work said, 'If you do not work, you will be imprisoned in a cell, wish to reduce your sentence, or with your family. You will lose the opportunity to visit. '

The American Civil Liberties Union said that the assignment of jobs by prison managers tends to have arbitrary, discriminatory, or disciplinary aspects, and that 'criminals are excluded from the principle of no slavery' in the United States. I appealed for the amendment of Article 13 of the Constitution.

in Note, Posted by log1i_yk