Microsoft announces '11 App Store Principles' such as equal treatment and permission to process third-party payments

Based on the claim that 'the world needs an open app market, and that's why we need an open app store,' Microsoft applies to the Windows app store 'Microsoft Store' and the next-generation gaming marketplace, 11 Announced the 'Open App Store Principles' consisting of Kajo.
Adapting ahead of regulation: a principled approach to app stores --Microsoft On the Issues

Microsoft announces new app store principles, aligning with Open App Markets Act --The Washington Post
How Microsoft hopes to secure Activision Blizzard takeover • The Register
The 11 'Open App Store Principles' announced by Microsoft are as follows.
・ Quality / safety / security / privacy
1: We make our app store accessible to all developers as long as they meet reasonable and transparent standards for quality and safety.
2: We guarantee that developers meet our security standards and continue to protect consumers and gamers who use the app store.
3: We respect the privacy of consumers who use the app store and allow them to control how their data is used.
・ Accountability
4: We manage our apps on the same standards as competing apps.
5: We do not use private information or data from the App Store for the purpose of competing with the developer's app.
・ Fairness and transparency
6: We treat apps equally in the app store and do not unfairly favor or rank apps for our company or our business partners.
7: We will be transparent, consistent and objective about the rules for promotion and marketing in the app store.
・ Developer options
8: We do not require developers to use our payment system to process in-app payments in our app store.
9: We do not require developers to offer favorable terms in our app store over other app stores.
10: We will not penalize developers if they choose a payment system other than ours, or if they offer different terms in other app stores.
11: We do not prevent developers from contacting customers directly through the app for legitimate business purposes such as pricing conditions or the provision of products and services.
According to Microsoft, this principle 'guarantees to provide the best experience for creators and customers of all sizes' and creates an open app store to create the 'open app market' needed by the world. Aiming for it, it is a 'promise' that Microsoft shows.
In addition, this 'Open App Store Principle' 'prohibits major app stores from forcing app developers to use their own payment system' and 'sets different prices and conditions for other app stores and payment systems'. Submitted to the US Senate with content such as 'Prohibiting penalties for apps' and 'Prohibiting the use of private data obtained from app developers who use their services to create competing products' The content is in line with the 'App Store Regulation Law'.
'App Store Regulation Law' targeting Apple & Google is submitted to the US Senate --GIGAZINE

This is no coincidence, and Microsoft has 20 years of experience responding to the outcome of antitrust proceedings by the Department of Justice, with a focus on adapting rather than fighting new regulations. Microsoft itself states that there is a reason for this.
It also reveals that it is a principle developed to address Microsoft's growing role and responsibilities in initiating the process of seeking regulatory approval from around the world for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard .
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in Note, Posted by logc_nt