BBQ is becoming more popular in the United States as a graph that allows you to check at a glance 'changes in purchasing motivation for PCs and masks' due to the new corona is being released.
With the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), it is reported that sales
The New Normal
In The New Normal released by Mr. Cairo, 'Before and after the pandemic in the United States (January 1, 2019-December 31, 2021)' using 'Google Trends ' that can check the number of times any word was searched on Google You can view a graph of the results of a survey of 'changes in purchasing motivation for products in various categories'. Each product is based on changes in purchasing motivation, 'New Normal: Purchasing motivation changes in 2020 and will be maintained in 2021' 'Unusual: Only the value in 2020 is different compared to other years' 'Normal: It is classified into three types: 'Purchasing motivation will be constant from 2019 to 2021'.
For example, if we confirm the change in purchasing motivation for notebook PCs (LAPTOPS) whose sales increased due to the pandemic, the purchasing motivation soared around April 2020 and returned to the same level as 2019 in 2021. You can see that there is.
The willingness to buy notebook PCs was restored in 2021, but the willingness to buy headsets (HEADSETS) used in online conferences and games remains high even in 2021, and it is classified as New Normal. it was done.
In addition, PC peripherals (COMPUTER ACCESSORIES) are also New Normal like headsets.
The trend of purchasing motivation for toilet paper (TOILET PAPER), which caused a hoarding uproar in Japan, looks like this. It seems that attention to toilet paper has increased dramatically in the United States around April 2020.
Some products whose demand has changed significantly, such as the OUTDOORS GRILLS, do not seem to be directly related to the pandemic at first glance. The willingness to buy barbecue grills recorded a rise above 2019 around the summer of 2020, and in the summer of 2021 it was even higher than 2020, so it is classified as New Normal.
Even with the same outdoor products, the willingness to buy TENTS was not affected by the pandemic.
In The New Normal, you can check the purchase motivation of many other products. If you are interested, it is recommended to actually access it.
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in Note, Posted by log1o_hf