A fierce man who developed a device that informs the 'data end' at the time of Excel freeze appears

Many people have been crying because the application froze while they were working and they inadvertently forgot to save it, so restarting the application would mean that they hadn't done anything before. ..

Argon Lamp has created a ' device that informs you that the data is over ' that automatically mourns the lost data at that time, and has released it in a movie.

I made a 'device that informs me that the data is over' --Nico Nico Douga ]

'A device that informs you that the data is over' is this.

Connect the USB cable to the device ...

Connect to a PC.

Operate Excel on your PC. When trying to process all the numbers in one column at once ...

The window whites out and hangs.

'Microsoft Excel is not responding' is displayed. You need to restart or quit Excel once, but if you haven't saved it so far, you'll have nothing to do.

The device will then start moving and you will hear a 'chewing' sound.

When I think about the loss of the work I've been doing with Excel, which was so energetic in my lifetime, my eyes naturally get hot and I'm sure I'll put my hands together in front of the PC screen.

The movie also introduces how to make a 'device that informs you that the data is dead'. First of all, I bought 'the one who will be a chain', that is, the Buddhist tool

Rin ...

3D model phosphorus and design the pedestal to fix it with CAD.

Rin and a solenoid for automatically striking Rin are fixed to the pedestal.

Write a program that runs on a PC and a microcomputer. According to Argon Lamp, the mechanism by which the device recognizes the freeze of Excel is 'recognize that Excel is down by character string search → feel like sending a signal to the device side'.

After connecting the solenoid to the microcomputer board, it is completed.

Argon Lamp used this device to achieve the Joya no Kane RTA, which rings phosphorus 108 times at high speed. The record is 29 seconds, and I'm worried about the impression that I finished the race.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by log1i_yk