Intel decides that those who have not been vaccinated with the new corona vaccine will be on unpaid leave from April 2022

Intel, a semiconductor maker headquartered in California, USA, has announced a policy to allow employees who are not vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) by the deadline to take at least three months of unpaid leave. It was reported that it was.
Intel tells unvaccinated employees they face unpaid leave | AP News
Intel Says It Will Put Unvaccinated Employees on Unpaid Leave
According to the Associated Press, a major news agency, Intel quoted an urgent standard set by the US government that 'companies with more than 100 employees strongly encourage vaccination.' Employees who do not vaccinate or apply for exemption by January 4, 2022, which is the deadline for this standard, will be required to take at least three months of unpaid leave from April 4, 2022. It was said that.
If an employee applies for an exemption for medical or religious reasons, Intel is reported to consider whether or not to apply by March 15. If this application is not approved, the employee will be on unpaid leave, but will not be dismissed during the unpaid leave for any reason and will continue to enjoy health insurance from the company.

Opposition to the government's urgent standards, such as 'unconstitutional,' has been raised, and the Georgia Federal Court and others have issued injunctions, which is controversial. Intel says, 'We anticipate that it will take some time for the Georgia proceedings and other similar proceedings to be fully resolved. In the meantime, we regularly provide our employees with information and needs. We will continue to focus on notifying you of actions. '
Intel is not the only company that requires employees to be vaccinated. Microsoft,

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