World Inequality Institute reports that only 10% of people control more than three-quarters of the world's wealth

It has long been
The World InequalityReport 2022 presents the most up-to-date & complete data on inequality worldwide:
World Inequality Report 2022
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World Inequality Report 2022 --WID --World Inequality Database
According to a report published by the Institute for World Inequality, 76% of global wealth comes from the top 10% of people, and the top 1% alone dominate 38% of the world's wealth. matter. On the other hand, the total wealth of the bottom 50% of people is only 2% of the world's wealth.

Changes in the ratio of assets of 520,000 high net worth individuals (blue) with the top 0.01% of assets held and thousands of ultra-high net worth individuals (red) with personal assets of 1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen) or more to the assets of the entire world The graph showing is below. HNWI wealth accounted for 7% of the world total in 1995, but reached 11% in 2021, and ultra-high net worth wealth accounted for a record 3.5% in 2021. Has reached.

The figure below shows each country according to the 'income difference between the top 10% of people and the bottom 50% of people'. If you check the figure, you can see that the income difference is 5 to 12 times in European countries and Australia, but the income difference is 19 to 140 times in regions such as South America, Africa and the Middle East. ..

'The spread of the new coronavirus has exacerbated inequality between the very wealthy and the poor. In developed countries, government intervention has exacerbated poverty,' said Lucas Chansel , lead author of the report. Greater aggravation was prevented, but not in poor countries, which demonstrates the importance of social nations in the fight against poverty. ' Emphasizes the need for intervention.
In his book 'Capital in the Twenty- First Century,' Piketty, the founder of the Institute for World Inequality, who created the report, discusses global economic disparities as a progressive tax to correct disparities. We are proposing the worldwide introduction of wealth tax.
Capital in the Twenty-First Century | Thomas Piketty, Hiroo Yamagata, Sakura Morioka, Masashi Morimoto | Business / Economy | Kindle Store | Amazon

The reason why the wealthy people need to be taxed globally is that the wealthy people who have a large amount of assets are evading tax payments by using areas called tax havens where the tax rate is low. Some of the information about companies and individuals who use this tax haven is published as 'Panama Papers ' and ' Pandora Papers ', and the following articles explain how to browse such information.
The database of 'Panama Papers' is finally released, and anyone can easily search for it-GIGAZINE

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