A figure showing how big the 'debt' the government has in comparison with 'GDP', the first place in Japan

Infographics expressing how much the borrowing of one country's government is in comparison with the country's GDP is released. It was Japan that got the disgraceful title of the biggest debtor country.
Visualizing the State of Government Debt Around the World
Relationship between "government debt" and " gross domestic product " (GDP) can be compared to "debt" if GDP is replaced by general households, and "annual income" for GDP. Since the size of the debt is also affected by the size of the economy of the country, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have a large debt outstanding. For example, paying 50,000 dollars (about 5.5 million yen) with a credit card will bear a debt of 50,000 dollars, but even if it is an ordinary household, it is a founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, who is known as a billionaire, can be said to be a healthy debt from an economic point of view.
The figure below shows how proportional to the national debt balance compared to GDP, visualized by howmuch based on the latest statistics of the International Monetary Fund, which has published many infographic figures. Each country is displayed in the topography of the territory, meaning that the closer to red, the debt is bigger than GDP, that is, it has big debt, and the area of the terrain represents the proportion of the proportion .

"Japan" with debt equivalent to 238% of GDP is the worst one. Japan is the only country with more than 200%, followed by 182% of Greece, 157% of Barbados, 147% of Lebanon, 132% of Italy.

In Spain and France, debt and GDP are antagonistic.

As India is 71% and China is 47%, the debt is relatively small compared to GDP, so it may be said that we can pursue further economic development by further debt.

In Hong Kong, the top of the country (region) with low debt to GDP is only 0.1%. Other 17% Saudi Arabia, 16% Russia, 20% United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other oil-producing countries finance is relatively healthy.

However, the content of debt is not asked in this infographics. Although Japan is hanging up with the worst one, the debt is not external debt but mostly held by the people as government bonds, so that "the debt is large in proportion to GDP" is immediately "the financial crisis Care must be taken that it does not mean the situation.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log