What is the poor strategy of a former dentist who tried to get a vaccination certificate without being vaccinated?

As vaccination against the new coronavirus progresses around the world, some people hesitate to vaccinate for a variety of reasons. Meanwhile, a fraudulent case occurred in Italy in an attempt to obtain a vaccination certificate while avoiding vaccination using a 'fake arm'.

Guido Russo, chi è il dentista no vax con il falso braccio di silicone: denunciato per truffa- Corriere.it

Biella, l'infermiera che ha scovato il No vax con il braccio di silicone --la Repubblica

Italian dentist presents fake arm for vaccine to get Covid pass

It was Guido Russo, who worked as a dentist in Italy, who caused the fraudulent case using a fake arm. In Italy, workers are required to have a 'green pass ' that can be received by vaccinated people and those with a negative certificate in the PCR test, but Mr. Russo's clinic is 'voluntary to submit a green pass'. It was well known from the surroundings that Mr. Russo was an anti-vaccine group. However, Mr. Russo was suspended for refusing to get the vaccine.

Russo then headed to the vaccination site on December 2, 2021. At this time, Mr. Russo was wearing a silicone 'fake arm' on his arm. However, the nurse Philippa Bua, who was in charge of vaccination of Russo, noticed the 'fake arm' from the color and texture, and Russo's attempt was unsuccessful. Regarding the situation at that time, Mr. Bua said, 'Mr. Russo's skin was cold and sticky, and the color was too light compared to other parts.' But I quickly realized that Russo was trying to avoid vaccination with a silicone suit. '

Russo, who noticed that he was wearing a silicone suit, said, 'I need a green pass for my work, but I don't want to get the vaccine. He said he asked for it. When Mr. Bua refused, Mr. Russo left the inoculation site. After that, Mr. Bua reported to his boss that Mr. Russo had committed fraud. Russo is said to be subject to criminal accusations in some cases.

According to La Repubblica, Italy's largest daily newspaper, it's unclear if it was due to Russo, but with a link to Amazon's silicone suit sales page, 'No one may notice if you wear this. Hmm. I wonder if I should put more clothes under this silicone suit to prevent the needle from reaching the real skin. ' The tweet was deleted for each account at the time of writing the article, but La Repubblica said, 'Is this post by Mr. Russo? Or someone else will escape vaccination with a silicone suit like Mr. Russo. Is it? '

in Note, Posted by log1o_hf