Church closes after failing to repaint angel statue

A Spanish church had its angel statue, which dates back to the 13th century, repainted, leaving it in such a disfiguring state that the parish has ordered it to close until it is repaired.

Cultura | EL PAÍS

Polémica por el grotesco repintado de unos angelotes barrocos

Polémica restauración de unos angelotes barrocos de una ermita de Soria - YouTube

The incident occurred at the church 'Ermita de Nuestra Señora del Mirón' in Soria, northern Spain.

The church is an old one that is known to have existed since the 13th century, and its interior is decorated in the Baroque style. This time, the angel statue from before the 13th century, which was left in the 18th century renovation, was repainted, but the white plaster statue was stained, resulting in a state that can only be described as 'terrible.'

The incident began with an accusation made by SoriaPatrimonio , a social media account that claims to protect and promote Soria's historical and cultural heritage.

On July 28, 2024, SoriaPatrimonio posted a picture of the church, asking, 'What did they do to Virgen del Mirón ?' The left is the previous state, and the colors were quite subdued, but after the repainting on the right, a light red was used everywhere, and the statues on the pillars were also colored.

The details of the angel statue are as follows. The hair and eyebrows are painted, the lips are bright red, and the eyes are filled in, giving it a completely different appearance than before.

The statues in the dome above the columns are still untouched and therefore escaped damage.

In response to the accusations, Mayor Carlos Martínez explained that the parish of Osma-Soria had sought to use a 'Declaración Responsable de Obras y Usos' (Declaration of Responsibility for Works and Uses) for the interior restoration, a mechanism that allows work to be carried out without obtaining permission from the local government.

The Osma Soria parish has admitted the work was a failure and has decided to close the church until repairs are made.

Although the church has not been designated a cultural property by the local government, it is subject to protection under general urban planning, and the city council will investigate whether any damage has been caused to the church's property.

in Note,   Video, Posted by logc_nt