Introduction of '3 days a week' is being considered at the national level

Spain to launch trial of four-day working week | Spain | The Guardian
On January 28, 2021, Inigo Elehon, the representative of the Spanish political party ' Mas Pais ', posted on his Twitter account that he 'agreeed with the government to promote a project to reduce working hours.'
¡ Lo hemos conseguido!
— Íñigo Errejón (@ierrejon) January 28, 2021
Hemos acordado con el Gobierno impulsar un proyecto piloto para la reducción de la jornada laboral. Los fondos europeos deben servir también para reorientar la economía hacia la mejora de la salud, cuidar el medioambiente y aumentar la productividad ✌ ???
Later, on February 7, 2021, Mr. Elehon posted, 'We are discussing the realization of working four days a week (32 hours),' and Spain said '4 weeks a week' at the national level. It became clear that we are working toward the realization of the 'day labor system.'
Con la jornada de 4 días (32h.) Hems abierto un auténtico debate de época. Eso siempre despierta polémicas, porque abre brecha. De qué otra cosa más importante tiene que ocuparse la política que del tiempo de vida?
— Íñigo Errejón (@ierrejon) February 6, 2021
According to Mas Pais politician Héctor Tejero, the Spanish government will invest $ 60 million in the fall of 2021 to test the 'four-day work week'. It's a plan. The government plans to cover '1st year: 100%', '2nd year: 50%', and '3rd year: 33%' of the costs required for a company to shift to work four days a week. It is estimated that a total of 3000-6000 workers from about 200 companies will participate in the pilot.
'The average working hours of Spaniards is longer than the average of Europe, but Spain is not a productive country,' Elehon said. 'Working harder doesn't mean working better. He emphasizes the need to reduce working hours.
Spain is not the only country considering the introduction of a 'four-day work week' system. Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin said on August 24, 2020, 'We need to develop a clear vision and concrete roadmap to achieve shorter working hours and better working conditions.' We are instructing a concrete study of '4 days a week & 6 hours a day working system'.
The Prime Minister of Finland instructed a concrete study of '4 days a week & 6 hours a day' --GIGAZINE
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in Note, Posted by log1o_hf