Why Basic Income is better than Setting Minimum Wage


"The government regularly pays cash in an amount unconditionally required for the minimum living to all citizens"Basic income concept"Is drawing attention all over the world. Minimum wages are raised in many countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, but as introduction of basic income may be better than setting of minimum wage,BloombergIt is argued.

A Basic Income Is Smarter Than a Minimum Wage - Bloomberg View

In New York City, USAThe minimum wage has been raisedSimilar movements are taking place in the UK as well. However, like Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland, which is said to be a welfare state, there is actually no legally determined minimum wage. Instead, collective bargaining was done on a yearly basis, and now the amount of 20,000 kronor (about 270,000 yen), which is 64% of the average wage, is recognized as the minimum wage per month. This amount is more than twice the minimum wage in the United States, but a move to legalize a lower minimum wage for Swedish opposition parties from low-technology migrants who come from outside three countries There is.

The overall unemployment rate of Sweden is 7.6%, which is not high, but I have a problem that there is a big gap between rich and poor between Swedish born citizens and immigrants who came in from abroad. There are few people who hire immigrants with low skills and inconspicuous communication with high minimum wages despite the existence of their own people to hire, and as a result, more than 70% of the young people 's unemployment is immigrants It is said. Looking at the situation that "low wage is high" produces slums and riots by ethnic minority groups and may create a hotbed for recruitment by terrorists, the opposition parties said, "By lowering the minimum wage and solving ethnic tensions, We are proposing measures to properly introduce the labor force from the Middle East to your country. "

By401 (K) 2012

In this regard, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said, "Although evidence is inadequate, current research shows that the high employment rate of immigrants and the quality of immigration work is lowest wage, Is thin,Double labor marketThere is a tendency that it is a place where there is no existence ", and the measures of the Swedish opposition are reasonably getting true.

Germany is mentioned as a country that is doing the same efforts. Germany has earned a minimum wage of 8.50 euros (about 1070 yen) per hour to respond to immigration in 2015, but it is necessary to note that such measures are likely to create a double labor market. In other words, as the minimum wage declines, there is a possibility that the labor market will be divided into primary labor markets that have relatively high wages, good working conditions, blessed promotion opportunities, and other markets .

And what is being studied to avoid the above situation is "basic income".

What is basic income is that the government regularly and unconditionally pays "people's funds necessary for minimum daily life" to the people. Currently at the stage of the concept, its usefulness is being investigated and experimented by countries and institutions all over the world. You can read more about basic income by reading the following article.

What does happen if the "basic income" concept realizes the minimum amount of money without working? Test in the real city - GIGAZINE

The Finnish Government will conduct a large-scale experiment of basic income which gives money of 550 euros a month (about 69,000 yen) for 10,000 Finnish citizens for 2 years from 2017It is under consideration. Economically it is painful, but the government estimates that experiments are possible if the current profitability system is truncated. Also, the Ontario Government in CanadaBegan preparing to submit a bill on the trial payment of basic income, And Labor Party leader in New ZealandConsider whether to introduce the introduction of basic income as the administration's pledge in the next general electionI am starting. Furthermore, in Switzerland, a referendum will be held on June 16, 2016 concerning the introduction of basic income.

To make a referendum in Switzerland to decide whether to introduce income security system that can receive 300,000 yen a month without working - GIGAZINE

The idea of ​​basic income looks radical and communist, but in fact it is somewhatLibertarianismIt is wearing the atmosphere of. If you run basic income, the government needs to provide people with things to eat and clothing, but once you provide what you need once you do not have to regulate the labor market after that . The purpose of the labor market "to give food to people and provide clothing" has already been achieved. According to the basic income plan, the Finnish government thinks that the current unemployed people will get a part-time job without losing anything. However, experts point out that the willingness of labor by citizens will be disturbed by basic income, taxes will rise, and so on.

ByJustin Kern

On the other hand, as a possible problem in the relationship between immigrants and basic incomes, countries that have introduced basic income are attractive for immigrants, so the number of immigrants increases. However, even in the absence of basic income, in Europe in recent years it is necessary to prepare immigration procedures according to the increase of immigrants, and we are doing a lot of efforts to avoid confusion already. Perhaps once the basic income is introduced, there is a possibility that immigration will be easier to accept than it is now because regulations will be lost in the labor market and it will become active.

The job of the government is not to order private companies to "pay how much salary to employees", but to stabilize the lives of every citizen and give them a sense of security. For society to come, Bloomberg said companies and wealthy people should keep in mind that taxes will rise to make basic income work and that labor market regulation be taken away I will.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log