Finnish `` basic income experiment '' suspended in December 2018

2,000 euro unemployed randomly selected will be paid 560 euros (about 74,000 yen) every month, and even if the target person works during the experiment period, it will not be paid or reduced by the government Since January 1, 2017, the Finnish government has been conducting a basic income experiment called “No”. The Finnish government had hoped that basic income would increase unemployment for the unemployed, but decided in December 2018 to suspend the experiment because of the introduction of a new system.
Finland to end basic income experiment-Business Insider
The Finnish government started a basic income experiment in January 2017 over a two-year period. Basic income has not yet been shown to be fully effective in experiments, and many countries have noted it as the first effort in the euro area.
Basic income test that can not be cut even if you get a job starts in Finland for unemployed people-GIGAZINE

The original plan was to expand the scope of basic income in 2018 to include ordinary workers. However, researchers at the Finnish Social Insurance Office (KELA) said of the situation so far, saying, `` The basic income introduced by introducing basic income such as encouraging workers to change jobs and receiving training and education for career advancement. We cannot judge the effect. '
Already, the Finnish government intends to stop the basic income and move in a completely new direction, KELA researcher Miska Simainenen said, `` The government has stopped the basic income and is beginning to introduce a new system ''. .. When the basic income experiment was decided, the experiment was internationally evaluated as 'aiming to be on the cutting edge of social welfare.'

However, basic income expert professor Oli Kangas said, 'The two-year period is too short to draw conclusions from such a big experiment. You should spend time and money to get reliable results. ', Suggesting that the decision is premature. In addition to the researchers, many entrepreneurs, including

When the Finnish government announced the plan, supporters of the basic income argued that 'it should be targeted to all people in Finland', but the Finnish government targeted the basic income to some long-term unemployed people. Only tried. The Finnish government has argued that existing unemployment benefits are so high that they are causing the unemployed to lose motivation, and some of the long-term unemployed have been motivated in order to motivate the unemployed. There is a background that the basic income system was introduced on a trial basis.
However, in December 2017, the Finnish Parliament passed a new bill to motivate the unemployed to work. The law requires unemployed people to 'work at least 18 hours or participate in a training program for three months' and to reduce unemployment benefits if no job is found. doing.
The Finnish basic income experiment ended in December 2018, and the results of the survey, which summarizes the effects of introducing the basic income, are expected to be released in 2019 at the earliest.
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