A man has been vaccinated against the new coronavirus 217 times in about two and a half years.

Vaccines are an important public health strategy that can provide immunity in advance and prevent the severity of infectious diseases. Vaccines for the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which has been rampant since the end of 2019, have been developed at a rapid pace, and vaccinations have been carried out around the world. Meanwhile, a man who received the new coronavirus vaccine 217 times in 29 months has been reported in a paper published in the academic journal Infectious Diseases.
Adaptive immune responses are larger and functionally preserved in a hypervaccinated individual - The Lancet Infectious Diseases

Researchers investigate a man who received 217 Covid vaccinations | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
German man got 217 COVID shots over 29 months—here's how it went | Ars Technica
A 62-year-old man from Magdeburg, Germany, claims to have received 217 doses of the coronavirus vaccine over a 29-month period. The man said he had never had COVID-19 before and had no side effects from the vaccine.

According to a research team at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), there are a total of 8 types of vaccines inoculated, 134 of which were given in just 9 months, and there is an official record of vaccination. The remaining 82 times were self-reported. Magdeburg city prosecutors filed a case against the man on charges of fraud, but the case was dismissed.
The research team thought that over-vaccination may have fatigued the immune system, and compared data from 29 vaccinated people who received three doses of the coronavirus vaccine as a control group. Samples were taken and analyzed.
Tests revealed that the man's immune system was completely intact and fully functional. There are various types of immunity, and T cells that differentiate and mature in the thymus are activated and differentiate into 'effector T cells' that eliminate specific antigens. The men had more effector T cells that are compatible with the new coronavirus than the control group, and their function was not deteriorated and was equivalent to the control group.
Furthermore, an analysis of the number of memory T cells, which are immune cells that rapidly increase in number upon re-exposure to antigens, revealed that the numbers were comparable to those in the control group.
Katharina Kocher, one of the research team and lead author of the paper, said: 'When we tested the men, we found no indication that over-vaccination weakens the immune response overall, rather the opposite is true.' I am commenting.
Kilian Schober, group leader at FAU's Institute of Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, said: ``The fact that this over-vaccination did not cause any noticeable side effects in the men is significant. 'This shows that the coronavirus vaccine is well tolerated .' However, the subject of this research is a very special case, and since there is only data for one man, the generality of the analysis results cannot be said to be high. The research team also argues, ``Importantly, we do not support excessive vaccination as a strategy to strengthen adaptive immunity.''

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