About 40% of Facebook traffic was directed to 'plagiarized content'

According to former Facebook (Meta) data scientist Jeff Allen, as of the 2018 survey, about 40% of Facebook traffic was directed to pages of stolen content. The Wall Street Journal, an overseas newspaper, reports this issue.
Facebook Allows Stolen Content to Flourish, Its Researchers Warned --WSJ
According to a 2018 Allen et al. Survey, about 40% of traffic to Facebook pages was directed to stolen content, about 20% to original content, and the rest to corporate-run pages. I also know that. Allen and his colleagues have long urged them to actively tackle such copyright infringement issues.
However, Allen and his research team said, 'Unlike YouTube, which aggressively cracked down on infringing content for fear of lawsuits from rights holders, Facebook wasn't that aggressive.' 'Facebook is a Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Due to differences in the interpretation of the law, it takes time to crack down on pirated content. ' According to a legal expert, 'After identifying copyright infringing content, if you decide to leave the content by misinterpreting the copyright, a lawsuit may be filed by the right holder.' This is the reason why Facebook does not have to actively deal with copyright infringing content.

Allen, who left Facebook in 2019, once introduced 'How to make a popular Facebook page' in an in-house presentation. The way to do this is to find a popular community, collect popular content within that community, and repost it on a new page. Allen and his Facebook research team called this method 'easy and effective.'
In fact, a 2021 Facebook survey found that this method worked. According to a survey, of the 20 most popular content in the second quarter of 2021, 15 were plagiarized from another Facebook page or copied from other platforms such as Twitter. In a subsequent third-quarter survey, all of the top 20 were plagiarized content.
In 2021 after Allen retired, Facebook spokeswoman Andy Stone said, 'To address issues raised by Allen, including building technology over the past few years and aggressively removing plagiarized content. 'We have taken measures to prevent plagiarism,' but some companies have pointed out that 'the penalties for plagiarized content on Facebook are not strong enough to discourage plagiarism.'
After working as a data scientist for the Democratic National Committee, Allen co-founded a group aimed at researching and addressing the social hazards of Internet platforms, working on Facebook and other platform research. increase. Allen said, 'The law is hesitant to take proactive action against pirated content on Facebook. I think it's great that Facebook works with lawmakers to find a better solution. '.
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