What are the amazing benefits of playing games at work?

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In general, 'playing games between work' is often regarded as laziness or skipping, but in recent years, research such as '

people who surf the Internet or check SNS during work are more satisfied with the workplace'. Playing games at work as a refreshment can be beneficial, as results are also available. In fact, the CEO of a company that introduced a system that 'employees can play games at work at any time, one hour a day' explains the benefits created by allowing games at work. increase.

The unexpected benefits of playing video games at work | TechRadar

With the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), many workplaces have introduced remote work and video conferences, and the work environment that has been ongoing for many years is changing. Some workplaces continue to work remotely after the pandemic is over, while others return to office due to reduced productivity or lack of communication.

Tom Fairy, CEO of Stakester , a startup that runs a mobile platform that matches 'people who want to bet money and play games seriously,' claims that the pandemic has created a rich ground for 'experimenting corporate culture.' Companies should not simply go back to their previous working environment, but push forward with positive changes in corporate culture. 'We don't want to create a culture where people start work at 9am, have lunch breaks and go home in the evening. If you want to get the most out of your employees, this is nonsense,' said Fairy. He said he tried various attempts during the pandemic.

On Stakester's game platform, users who play one-on-one competitive video games can match and play against each other with stakes ranging from $ 1 to $ 25 (about ¥ 114 to ¥ 2800). Stakester's role is to handle matching and money exchanges, and to monitor players for fraud. In a pandemic where many people were forced to spend their time at home, Stakester grew significantly, with 60,000 active users and a monthly growth rate of 15-20%, according to Fairy. ..

While investigating trends in the number of users, Fairy discovered that 'the number of users playing video games will increase by 4500% from 14:00 to 16:00,' which includes a considerable number of remote workers. I speculated that it might have been done. 'Isn't it possible to spend a healthier weekday by playing games at work?' Said Fairy, who actually said, 'I play games for an hour a day at work.' We have introduced a system called 'Teiyo' and decided to check the effect with employees as subjects.

Despite the lack of accurate data measurements in this survey, Fairy says employee productivity levels have increased significantly since the introduction of the new gaming system. In addition, relationships between employees have been strengthened, problem-solving methods have become more creative, and employees have chosen to spend more time in the office.

According to Fairy, the majority of employees choose multiplayer games over single-player games and play with randomly matched employees on their Slack bots. Fairy believes that this has allowed him to build closer relationships with employees outside of the department with which he interacts, and to help them work in a better mood.

Fairy also argues that the 'competition' component of multiplayer games may be the key to keeping employees productive. Since it is necessary to concentrate to compete in the game, work-related thoughts in the brain are organized, and the heart rate is increased more than usual as well as physical activity. 'Stakester wants to be the best company for its employees. That's why we're trying to create an athlete's mindset and work on the premise of'work + rest = success',' Fairy said. He said.

Although Stakester is a special environment for game-related startups, Fairy believes that many companies will benefit from a system that allows games at work. 'Basically, I think most companies make the mistake of trying to improve the problem after the fact that they are less productive, rather than trying to promote the physical and mental health of their employees.' However, the way people escape from work varies from person to person, but what we really want to tell our employees is that they can take a break, 'said Fairy.

in Note,   Game, Posted by log1h_ik