Findings show that long game play times make you happy

Voice video game claims to give an adverse effect on human psychology many, in some countries laws and ordinances to regulate the game play time children

have been established in some cases. However, the latest research shows that game play time may be linked to happiness.

Video game play is positively correlated with well-being | Royal Society Open Science

Landmark study finds link between playing video games and well-being

Nicholas Johannes and colleagues at Oxford University have begun investigating with the help of gaming companies such as Electronic Arts Nintendo of America. The two companies are targeting users who play 'Plants vs. Zombies Battle of Neighbors ' and ' Animal Crossing: New Clothes Forest ', and how often they feel 'freedom' and 'joy' when playing the game in the past two weeks. I did a questionnaire survey to see if I had experienced it in.

As a result of investigating the reports of about 3,000 people who received answers, it was confirmed that there is a small but positive correlation between the time spent playing the game and happiness. 'It can't be generalized to all types of games, but longer video game play times can lead to better happiness,' said Johannes and colleagues.

'Our findings show that video games are not necessarily bad for people's health, but there are other psychological factors that affect their well-being. Play is about people's mental health. Directly connected, game regulation can lead to regulation of people's well-being. '

in Science,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr