The final beta version of Android 12 will be released, the official release will be 'within a few weeks'
Google has released 'Android 12 Beta 5 ', the final beta version of 'Android 12', the next major version of the Android OS. This version is effectively the final tweak, and Google says the official release of Android 12 is 'within a few weeks.'
Android Developers Blog: Android 12 Beta 5 update, official release is next!
Google says Android 12 is a'few weeks away,' makes beta available on Pixel 5A --The Verge
On September 8, 2021 local time, Google announced the final beta version of Android 12, Android 12 Beta 5. The original schedule was for Beta 5 to be announced in August 2021, but it's behind schedule. However, Google said the official release would be within a few weeks and commented, 'Please look forward to the official release of Android 12.'
According to Google, Beta 4 has already reached a state where all the parts related to the application and its operation can be said to be the final version, so this time Beta 5 is mainly modified and optimized to end the test. Google tells the developers, 'The official version of Android 12 is coming soon, so be sure to complete the final compatibility test with this Beta 5.'
The changes in the actual Beta 5 are as follows.
From the new item 'Privacy Dashboard' added to 'Settings', you will be able to check when each app accessed location information, camera, microphone, and information. In this privacy dashboard, it is possible to display the timeline when each application accesses a specific type of data, and the following is an example when accessing location information.
The app can show the rationale for accessing information such as location information in order to ask the user for understanding.
When the app is using a camera or microphone, a dedicated indicator will be displayed in the status bar.
Swipe down from the top of the screen to display 'Quick Settings', which allows you to enable / disable camera and microphone access for all apps.
◆ Clipboard read notification
If the app unexpectedly reads the clipboard data, it will display a toast that alerts the user.
◆ Stretch over scroll
Changes the visual behavior of overscroll events.
◆ App splash screen
With the newly added SplashScreen API , an animation called 'Splash Screen' will be displayed when launching the app.
◆ Keygen change
Remove a number of deprecated cryptographic algorithms, including the AES algorithm, and use the Conscrypt implementation as an alternative.
This time Beta 5 is only a fine adjustment, but with Beta so far, UI design has been redesigned , scroll screenshots have been added , the function to operate the smartphone with the face, the function to play even the downloaded game, etc. have already been added. It has been.
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in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log