There are a series of reports of 'Pixel 3 Bricking'

There have been a series of reports that the Google smartphone ' Pixel 3 series ' released in November 2018 suddenly stopped responding and became so-called 'brick'. In these reports, it was reported that 'there may be some kind of hardware defect' because the situation did not improve even after trying to fix the software.
Reports of Pixel 3s bricking with “EDL” message are growing | Ars Technica
Some Pixel 3 devices are stuck on EDL mode, and nobody knows why
Google's smartphones 'Pixel 3' and 'Pixel 3 XL' released in November 2018 have been reported to be 'suddenly bricked' in Google's vulnerability report forum , support forum , Reddit and so on. According to reports, one day the Pixel 3 suddenly goes into a recovery mode called Emergency Download (EDL) mode.
Pixel 3 XL Bricked Overnight, Computer Recognizes as QUSB_BULK_CID, Likely Caused by Security Update --Google Pixel Community en

Even though EDL mode is a recovery mode, it is a mode that flashes a special image, so it can be said to be 'bricking' at a general level. At the time of the press, no way to recover the Pixel 3 from this mode has been found, and Google is also requesting a bug report on the support forum, but since the Android OS does not start with the Pixel 3 that entered EDL mode, It is impossible to even send a bug report.
Due to the fact that the currently available Pixel 3 system image is not recoverable and reports have been published in recent months, the series of brickbreaks is not due to software updates, but 'some hardware-like'. Isn't it a problem? ' In the smartphone 'Nexus 5X ' jointly developed by Google and LG, the soldering between the board and the CPU was insufficient, so when the power was turned on, it proceeded to the Android logo screen, but immediately after that the power was turned off and restarted. Just as there was a problem that 'boot loop' occurred frequently, it is said that this Pixel 3 bricking is also a kind of hardware trouble.
The Pixel 3 has a two-year warranty and was sold from November 2018 to March 2020, so you may not be eligible for a replacement warranty depending on when you purchased it. In response to reports of a sudden restart phenomenon and a phenomenon that the battery deteriorates rapidly with Pixel 4 XL, measures were taken to 'extend the warranty period to 3 years', so the media companies reported that 'Pixel 4 XL I would like to expect an extension of the warranty period for 3 as well. '
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