Twitter introduces new font 'Chirp' and renews UI
On August 11, 2021, local time, Twitter revamped its UI and fonts. The newly introduced font is 'Chirp', and the UI has been changed such that the base color of the 'Follow' button is black and white.
Imperfect, by design
Twitter changed its font again and people are losing their minds over it
Twitter has switched over to its Chirp font --The Verge
Twitter has newly introduced a font called 'Chirp' that was jointly developed with Grilli Type Foundry, a Swiss custom font manufacturing and sales company. Chirp is a font that mixes American Gothic and European grotesque styles, and adds a handmade feel peculiar to woodblock prints. As of August 11, it is applied only to Roman characters. Twitter states, 'We plan to expand to languages other than Romaji in the future.'
I want to give a bit more depth to Chirp, our new typeface.
— Derrit DeRouen (@DerritDeRouen) January 27, 2021
Type, in 280 character doses, is the foundation of Twitter. In the history of the company we've either relied on someone else's typeface, from SF Pro and Roboto, to Helvetica Neue in our brand.
In addition to the introduction of this new font, the UI has also been updated. Regarding the UI, the space between characters has been narrowed, the blue area has been reduced, and the base colors such as the 'Follow' button have become black and white.
Hey, calm down. I don't remember, I didn't follow my account, and I didn't follow my acquaintances. It's Twitter, not your situation, that has changed. Since the follow button has just turned upside down in Apde, I shouldn't take any strange actions in a hurry ????????
— Influencers | SNS Advisory (@Influensaru) August 11, 2021
An Easter egg (hidden element) has also been added to the new font, and you can enter the Twitter icon by typing '[CHIRPBIRDICON]'. By the way, CHIRP BIRDICON is a word that combines the new font 'Chirp', Twitter icon design 'Bird', and 'Icon'. In addition, in the iOS application, it seems that it will change to the Twitter icon when you enter [CHIRPBIRDICON] in the input field, but in the browser version it will not change to the Twitter icon until you actually send it.
Twitter's new “Chirp” font contains a ligature that turns [CHIRPBIRDICON] into the Twitter logo
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) January 28, 2021
Twitter said, 'We wanted an art-first brand identity that included emotions and expressions, so we built a system for each part, or built around a specific element. Instead, we set out to build a creative design system that was deliberately incomplete. ”“ The core of our product hasn't changed. We're changing the way it's displayed. Only. I feel that this work is a true form that reflects who we are as a company and what our service represents. We are Twitter. What is Twitter? It's what's happening now, and what people are talking about right now. '
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in Web Service, Design, Posted by darkhorse_log