'AI cheat tool that can be used in any game' has been discontinued at the request of the 'Call of Duty' series publisher

It was talked about that a cheat tool that automatically adjusts the aim of any game using machine learning was developed, but it was developed at the request of Activision, which is known as the publisher of the popular FPS 'Call of Duty' series. It was canceled. On the Cheat Tools website, developer USER 101 said, 'We will no longer develop or provide access to software that could be used to exploit Activision games. My intention was to never do anything illegal. '
Auto-aim cheatmaker halts development at Activision's request | Ars Technica
The cheat tool in question is to enable auto aiming in all kinds of FPS games. This cheat tool works by the method of 'capturing the image displayed on the screen with a capture card, analyzing it with a machine learning algorithm, determining the position of the enemy character and inputting the necessary operation', so not only PC but also PlayStation and The feature is that it is also compatible with home video game consoles such as Xbox.
You can read more about what kind of cheat tool it really is in the article below.
A cheat tool that is difficult to detect that enables auto aiming in any game will be developed, even for home video game consoles --GIGAZINE

The cheat tool was demonstrated using the popular FPS 'Call of Duty' series of games. However, this resulted in a copyright infringement notice from Activision, the publisher of the 'Call of Duty' series, and all the movies were private or deleted. In addition, the YouTube account and Discord channel of the cheat tool development group 'User Vision' have also been closed.
In addition, the official website of User Vision has been completely closed, and only the message of USER 101, a member and developer, is posted. USER 101 said, 'The auto-aim feature featured in the movie isn't included in the public version of the software.' 'This kind of technology allows you to see yourself on a webcam without using your limbs. 'It will be possible to operate it,' he said, 'I will not develop any more because the cheat tool has a potential adverse effect,' and declared that he would stop developing the cheat tool. Did.
Activision is known for its rigorous response to cheat tool distributors. In the past, Activision has taken legal action against vendors who have developed and sold cheat tools such as 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare', and the vendors have stopped developing and selling cheat tools. We apologize to all players in the 'Call of Duty' series.
Cheat tool maker apologizes to all Call of Duty users & stops selling cheat tools due to legal action from Activision-GIGAZINE

In addition, Riot Games , Epic Games , Ubisoft, etc. have also filed lawsuits requesting cheat tool developers to discontinue development and sales of cheat tools, similar to Activision. Still, cheat tools are being developed and put on the market every day, and it's completely cat-and-mouse.
In addition, the auto aim by the cheat tool that became a problem was advertised as 'it can not be detected if it is an anti-cheat tool', but in reality it seems that it is technically possible to take measures. 'After all, the direction of emulating input isn't new, and Riot Games' anti-cheat tool Riot Vanguard recognizes it,' said Philip Coskinas, anti-cheat officer for Riot Games' popular tactical FPS ' Valorant.' You can do it. '
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