Difficult to detect cheat tools that enable auto aiming in any game will be developed, even for home video game consoles

Since cheating in online games causes game balance to be disrupted and users to leave, game developers can impose

gameplay bans on users who cheat or detect cheating using AI. We are taking various cheat measures. Meanwhile, a cheat tool has been developed that enables auto aiming in all FPS games and is compatible not only with PCs but also with home video game consoles such as PlayStation and Xbox.

Cheat-maker brags of computer-vision auto-aim that works on “any game” | Ars Technica

You can see how the developed cheat tool actually works from the movie attached to the tweet below.

The following is a scene where the player is looking into the scope. You can see a faint red frame drawn near the center. This red frame is the enemy detection area.

When the enemy player enters the red frame, a blue frame appears to surround the enemy ...

The next moment I was shot down. This blue frame seems to be a function that shows the detected enemy.

When you play with the cheat tool setting screen ...

It is also possible to change the size of the enemy player detection area (red frame).

In addition, it seems that there is also a setting item to select the part to shoot from the head, torso, and legs.

This cheat tool is a hot topic because it uses a mechanism that is considered difficult to detect. According to technology-related media

Ars Technica , the cheat tool developed this time transfers the video of the game running on the PC or home game machine to another machine via the capture board , and the transferred video uses AI By analyzing the game, the position of the character is recognized, the mouse and keyboard operations required for aiming are determined, and then the character is operated via various converters such as 'Cronus Zen ' and ' Titan Two'. It is said that it is. Ars Technica said, 'The individual technologies used in this technique are not intended to be abused, but the combination of them eliminates the need to make changes to the game software or rely on specific hardware. A cheat tool has been developed, which is like making a gun with a 3D printer. '

The developer of the cheat tool developed this time told Ars Technica that 'our cheat tool does not make any changes to the game file', appealing that the cheat tool is difficult to detect. I will. On the other hand, Philip Coskinas, who heads the cheat countermeasure team of the popular FPS game 'VALORANT ', gave an example of detecting that a professional gamer was using a tool to correct the movement of the mouse, and automatic detection by software He argues that many cheats can be detected by using human checks together.

How does the world's most played game counter cheating? --GIGAZINE

The cheat tool developer also said, 'Players who are good at games can control the character quickly. Our tools can control the character much faster. We have players who can control the character very quickly. I know of cases where it was misunderstood that I was using a cheat tool, 'he said, admitting that cheat tools could be detected based on the speed of operation.

Ars Technica said, 'The technique of video recognition using an external machine is at the forefront of the endless battle between cheetahs and countermeasure teams. As the development of artificial intelligence-related technology progresses, it will be difficult to detect cheet tools. You can do it. '

in Software,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1o_hf