Former President Trump sues Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

On July 7, 2021, local time, former President Donald Trump filed a proceeding against Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Former President Trump argues that the measures taken by the three companies in the presidential election resulted in illegal censorship of himself and the conservatives.
Trump files suit against Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
Trump's social media lawsuits are strategic, performative, and doomed | The Week
Trump Plans to Sue Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter's Jack Dorsey After Ban --Bloomberg
Donald Trump files sweeping, nonsensical lawsuits against Facebook, Twitter, and Google --The Verge
At a press conference held in New Jersey, USA on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, former President Trump was on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube under Google, and representatives of each company Mark Zuckerberg and Jack.・ Announced a lawsuit against Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Thunder Pichai.
When former President Trump called on his supporters to 'go to the Capitol' in January 2021, supporters attacked the Capitol . Social media companies that took this situation seriously have taken measures to suspend the account of former President Trump permanently or semi-permanently, and he was excluded from these platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube even at the time of writing the article. It remains.
Facebook, Twitch, Shopify suddenly expel President Trump indefinitely-GIGAZINE

Twitter permanently bans Donald Trump's account BAN --GIGAZINE

YouTube suspends new uploads for President Trump's channel, comments closed indefinitely-GIGAZINE

'We are calling on the United States District Court in Southern Florida to immediately suspend illegal and shameful censorship of Americans by social media companies,' former President Trump said in a complaint. We will take a huge responsibility to Big Tech. '
To use services provided by companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, you need to agree to the terms of use. In addition, each company can moderate the entire platform by deleting obscene posts and posts that violate the standards of the service itself based on Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
However, former Presidents Trump and others claim that Facebook, Twitter, and Google are abusing the law to censor content on the platform.
In the complaint, former President Trump alleged that social media violated the law when they deleted or suspended their accounts. In addition, they have declared that they have violated Article 230 of the Communications Decency Act and compensation for damages, and are requesting them to restore their deleted or suspended accounts.
However, there are many skeptical opinions about the proceedings of former President Trump. Paul Barrett, Deputy Director of Business and Human Rights Center at NYU Stern School of Business, said, 'The amended Article 1 applies to government censorship or speech regulation, and private companies have content on their platforms. It does not prevent the regulation of the government, 'said former President Trump, who basically misunderstands the constitution.
Eric Goldman, a law professor at Santa Clara University in California, said, 'I don't know that the Trump camp's legal team can't win.' 'For the Trump camp,'fighting the evil Silicon Valley tech companies. I think it was important to send the message, 'I think it was important,' he said, and speculates that former President Trump filed a proceeding to attract attention.
Matt Scruler, chairman of the Computer & Communications Industry Association , an industry association of technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, argued that Internet entrepreneurship has the right to enforce the Terms of Service. It will not change the fact that users must follow the rules they have agreed to. '
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