Third-party cookie deprecation in Google Chrome postponed
Google has announced that it plans to abolish third-party cookies that pose a risk of privacy violations in Chrome by 2022. However, this schedule has been changed, and it has become clear that the abolition target is 'by the end of 2023'. Google is going to phase out, and the schedule has been released.
An updated timeline for Privacy Sandbox milestones
The Privacy Sandbox: Technology for a More Private Web
In 2020, Google announced that it would be phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome within two years. Third-party cookies are used to display targeted advertisements , but in recent years there has been concern about the risk of privacy violations as companies can extensively track user behavior.
Chrome plans to abolish support for third-party cookies within two years - GIGAZINE
Google is trying to develop a new advertising mechanism that replaces third-party cookies, in accordance with web standards and open source . Discussions are underway in a project called Privacy Sandbox , and a Web API called ' FLoC ' is being tested at the time of writing as a strong candidate for a mechanism to be adopted in the new system.
FLoC is made for the purpose of 'considering user's privacy while improving the accuracy of targeting advertisement'. You can read the specific mechanism from the following.
How does Google's new advertising system 'FLoC' work? |GIGAZINE.BIZ
However, many companies and organizations have pointed out problems with FLoC, and investigations have started in the United States and Europe on suspicion of violating antitrust laws.
As soon as the European Commission investigates the new system under development by Google for antitrust violations - GIGAZINE
by Thomas Hawk
In response to this situation, Google announced that it would change its original goal of 'by 2022' and set the goal of abolishing third-party cookies to '2023'. Google is proceeding with the development of the new system in the order of 'forum discussion' → 'testing' → 'preparing for implementation', and after the development process is completed, support for third-party cookies will be abolished in the following two stages. It is planned.
Stage 1 (starting late 2022):
The start of Stage 1 will be announced once testing is complete and the API is released in Chrome. Stage 1 is a nine-month period for publishers and the advertising industry to migrate their services. Google will proceed to Stage 2 based on the feedback obtained during this time.
Stage 2 (starting mid-2023):
Support will be phased out over three months from mid-2023 so that third-party cookies can be completely abolished in Chrome by the end of 2023.
In addition, Google says that it plans to publish a more detailed schedule on the official website of the privacy sandbox in the near future.
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log