Google publishes schedule for abolishing third-party cookies, scheduled to start in 2024

Google engineers have published a schedule for eliminating third-party cookies in Chrome. It will be tested on 1% of users from the first quarter of 2024, and then phased out from the third quarter.
Intent to Deprecate & Remove: Third-Party Cookies

The original plan was to abolish third-party cookies in 2022 , but due tosuspicions of antitrust violations, this was postponed to the end of 2023, and then again to 2024 . In May 2023, it was announced that ``We will begin an experiment to abolish third-party cookies for 1% of users in 2024,'' and this announcement will confirm a more detailed schedule.
Google announces that it plans to start an experiment in 2024 to abolish third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users - GIGAZINE

The abolition of third-party cookies will make it possible to protect privacy-related data such as what sites users visit and what pages they view from advertising companies, but on the other hand, it will become impossible to target advertisements and users will lose privacy. This will result in a large number of advertisements that are of no interest to you. In order to protect the benefits of abolishing third-party cookies while improving these disadvantages, Google has been promoting an initiative called ``Privacy Sandbox.'' This initiative provides a mechanism to replace the functionality provided by third-party cookies while protecting user privacy.
Google announces that it will gradually enable APIs included in the privacy sandbox, such as a function that allows the browser to infer interests based on browsing history and share them with advertisers - GIGAZINE

All APIs for the Privacy Sandbox will be released to the public in the third quarter of 2023 after a period of discussion and pre-release testing, and functionally it is already possible to migrate from third-party cookies to the Privacy Sandbox. It becomes.
In addition to reiterating that they will test the removal of third-party cookies on 1% of Chrome users in the first quarter of 2024, the announcement also reiterates that they will be testing the removal of third-party cookies on 1% of Chrome users in the first quarter of 2024. It has been clarified that third-party cookies will be phased out starting from Q3 2024, subject to concerns being addressed.
In addition, to simulate the case where third-party cookies are abolished and investigate the impact, enter 'chrome://flags#test-third-party-cookie-phaseout' in the Chrome address bar. However, it is OK if you set the 'Test Third Party Cookie Phaseout' item to 'Enabled' and restart Chrome.
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in Software, Posted by log1d_ts