A mechanism that prompts you to reconsider the content when you try to make an aggressive reply on Twitter

On May 5, 2021, when replying to others on Twitter, if it is detected that the content contains violent wording, insulting expressions, or offensive expressions, a reply will be sent. A feature has been introduced that displays a warning message that prompts you to pause and review the content.
Tweeting with consideration
If you try to create and send a reply that contains offensive content, the warning message 'Would you like to reconsider before tweeting?' Appears as shown below, and you can tweet, edit, or delete it as it is. The user will have to choose.

This function was introduced on a trial basis from May 2020, and at the beginning of the introduction, it was said that a warning message was displayed for all offensive contents without distinguishing between light words and jokes with ironic and close relationships. .. However, as a result of receiving a lot of feedback from general users and making corrections, it was confirmed that the sender and receiver of the reply were talking frequently, etc., and the relationship between the two was taken into consideration, and the display accuracy of the warning text was improved. That thing.
As a result of testing this function, 11% of the users who displayed the warning text tweeted as it was, but 34% said that they corrected or canceled the reply.
This function is being rolled out sequentially from users who have set the language setting to 'English' in the iOS version and Android version, and will be rolled out to other languages in the future.
Twitter formulates policies for abuse, intimidation, discriminatory remarks, and 'denial of humanity' and warns when retweeting tweets labeled 'misleading.' We have continued to make efforts to improve the soundness of the service. Regarding this new feature, he commented, 'We will continue to investigate how to promote healthy conversation.'
A warning will be displayed when you try to retweet or like a tweet labeled 'misleading' on Twitter --GIGAZINE

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