I tried 'Karaage-kun Golden Ginger Flavor' where the flavor of ginger enhances the soy sauce

'Karaage-kun Golden Ginger Flavor ' has been added to Lawson's '
Karaage Kun Golden Ginger Flavor | Lawson Official Website
Arrived at Lawson. 'Golden ginger taste' was added to the right end of the lineup of 'Karaage-kun' lined up in a row.

I bought it with ordinary karaage kun and came back. The price is 216 yen including tax for both normal and 'golden ginger flavor'.

It is said that it uses golden ginger paste from Kochi prefecture and is seasoned with soy sauce.

The scent of ginger drifts softly through the gap in the lid. The 'golden ginger taste' looks a little darker.

However, there are some that are indistinguishable from normal depending on the degree of frying.
The cross section looks like this. The left is 'golden ginger taste' and the right is normal. Since ginger is a paste and does not contain fragments, the difference in appearance is almost zero.

Comparing the tastes, it is noticed that the 'golden ginger taste' has a slightly stronger soy sauce taste, and the normal taste makes the best use of the chicken itself. I ate it with multiple people, and while there was an opinion that 'it has a pretty ginger flavor', there was also a voice that 'the ginger appeared for a moment, but the rest is close to normal', so if you eat a bite, it will be one shot. It does not mean that it has a strong ginger taste. It may be better to think of it as a 'normal taste change' rather than a completely different taste such as 'karaage kun red'.

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