It is pointed out that people who tend to appeal as victims tend to 'want to be seen by good people by others'

British people who frequently appeal to be victims and seek compassion for others are more likely to be narcissists who want to be seen by others and have poor empathy for others. It was shown by a study by Ekin Ok et al. Of the University of British Columbia. Collie Clark, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, explains what the findings mean.

Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. --PsycNET

The Evolutionary Advantages of Playing Victim – Quillette

The victim's psyche is filled with negative words such as 'hurt' and 'distressed.' However, humans have empathized with the suffering of others and have evolved to eliminate or ameliorate that suffering. As a result, informing others of your suffering can be an effective strategy for getting the attention of others and receiving empathy and financial support for others. And becoming a victim can justify one's retaliation, gain a psychological position when talking about a particular issue, and sometimes minimize evacuation of the victim's own misconduct.

A newly released study shows that those who show the victim's spirit more prominently are more likely to lie for physical gain and defame others as a means of deceiving others. It has been. Such people are associated with morally unfavorable personality traits such as narcissism , Machiavellianism, and reduced honesty and humility.

The researcher, Ekin and colleagues, measured the frequency of 'victim signaling' in which people talk about their suffering.

The more often people show victim signaling, the more likely they are to show 'Virtue signaling, ' which is an attitude of caring for and caring for others, and they place less importance on improving their morality. I found that it wasn't. This means that people who frequently appeal their suffering are only concerned about being 'seen by good people' and less interested in 'actually becoming good people'. I will.

Clark also said that feelings of being a victim are likely to stabilize the mental state of people with morally unfavorable personality traits. Clark points out that this personality trait also has characteristics such as a sense of moral superiority and a lack of empathy for the suffering of others.

In general, people try to help with victim signaling. If someone accidentally injures another person, the perpetrator should be willing to compensate the victim. Even if the perpetrator does not show remorse, the family and friends around him who are aware of the crime will try to atone for the perpetrator. On the other hand, Clark points out that it is especially likely to be false when the victim complains to a third party. It does not mean that all complaints are false, but false complaints are the best way to seek sympathy and financial gain for others, and they do not have the material to judge whether the complaint is true or not. Clark says that turning to the three is undoubtedly strategic and immoral.

Almost everyone can suffer disadvantages and harms in their lives, but many overcome it on their own or with the help of those around them. However, some people are attracted to the position of seeking sympathy and relief from a third party and gradually take advantage of the damage. If the use of an immoral victim position is revealed, it may be criticized by society or put in jail, but at least it can make a lot of profits with less effort than the former group. I will.

Clark advises that he does not state that 'there are no victims who really need help and that they should not help others.' Rather, what we really need to be aware of is that 'there are real victims who really need help', devoting resources to false victim signaling and losing resources to dedicate to real victims. It warns that it may have been lost.

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