Research that the personality traits of narcissists have something that leads to conspiracy theorists and are easy to believe in conspiracy theories

Narcissists who overestimate themselves and over-love themselves may be seen as lacking empathy and having arrogant self-esteem, but may actually be acting narcissistically to hide their insecurities. Other

research results have also been reported. Previous studies have shown that narcissists are easily drawn into conspiracy theories, but new research has clarified 'why they are easily drawn in'.

Why do narcissists find conspiracy theories so appealing? - ScienceDirect

Narcissists Seem Drawn to Conspiracy Theories, But Why? : ScienceAlert

Previous research has revealed that narcissists can be divided into several types, especially research on 'arrogant narcissism' defined by two strategies is most active.

This kind of narcissist has an 'agentic extraversion', striving for admiration by elevating the ego through unique sensations, charms, and fantasies, and truncating others to control any threats to the self. They have ``narcissistic antagonism'' that tries to oppose others by pursuing aggression and superiority. This antagonism also leads to what psychologists call “vulnerable narcissism,” which is a “ narcissistic neuropathy ” that stems from negative emotions and self-awareness instead of agency extroversion. It is said that it shows a tendency of ' symptoms '.

Aleksandra Cichocka of the University of Kent and her colleagues argue that these three dimensions of extraversion, hostility, and neuroticism are related to four additional psychological traits. The four traits are `` paranoia ,'' `` the desire for control and control,' ' `` the desire for uniqueness,' ' and `` gullibility .'' Cichocka et al. I analyzed whether it leans towards conspiracy theory.

◆ Paranoia
Paranoia, also known as paranoia, is a type of mental disorder in which feelings such as anxiety and fear lead to certain delusions. According to Mr. Cichocka, narcissists tend to believe that ``others are malicious and trying to catch themselves,'' which leads to the perception that conspiracy theorists tend to embrace ``threats from those in power.'' It is said that there is

Prior research by Cichocka et al. has revealed that both the vulnerable aspects of narcissism and conspiracy theory beliefs are associated with paranoia. Also, research conducted by Erica Hepper and others at the University of Surrey has found that the vulnerable and hostile aspects of narcissists are related to paranoia. Cichocka et al., ``Some researchers treat paranoia as distinct from conspiracy beliefs, but the paranoia that others are threatening oneself becomes the conspiracy belief that society is threatened more broadly. It makes sense that it could spread.”

The desire for control and control
According to Cichocka et al., conspiracy theorists tend to blame others for their failures and misfortunes and treat others as ``scapegoats'', sometimes citing conspiracy theories. . The narcissist's narcissistic hostility and distrust of others and the desire to control others also lead to conspiracy theory beliefs.

◆ Desire for originality
Narcissists seeking uniqueness and admiration are more likely to be associated with conspiracy theories that give them access to privileged information that makes them feel special. A

study by Cameron Kay at the University of Oregon found that vulnerable narcissists believe in conspiracy theories because they suffer from paranoia, while arrogant narcissists believe in conspiracy theories because they want to be special. Evidence has been confirmed.

◆ Gullibility
Narcissists are generally overconfident in their abilities, judgment, and intelligence, but tend to be naive and likely to neglect themselves. This suggests that narcissists may not view conspiracy theories with skepticism and may be susceptible. A study by William Hart and colleagues at the University of Alabama found that people with high levels of narcissistic hostility are more gullible and less likely to notice clues that information is untrustworthy. In a study by Ashraf Sadat Ahadzadeh and others at Xiamen University, China, who investigated the relationship between people who believed in the conspiracy theory of the new coronavirus infection and narcissism, they were skeptical about posting on social media in the first place. A strong association between conspiracy beliefs and narcissistic traits was found in those who did not.

From the above results, Cichocka et al. said, ``The strong evidence linking various aspects of narcissism with conspiracy theory beliefs has important implications.'' In addition, it seems that this result can be applied to various ways of looking at things, for example, it is written that politicians who tend to be more narcissistic than ordinary people are at risk of falling into conspiracy theories.

'A better understanding of the narcissistic desires that lead to conspiracy theories is essential to breaking the link between conspiracy theories and narcissism,' Cichocka et al. It is supported by fulfillment,' he said.

in Science, Posted by log1p_kr