Twitter states that 'Donald Trump's candidacy will not restore his account.'

Ned Segal, CFO of Twitter, appeared on the economic news program ' Squawk Box ' broadcast on CNBC, a business news channel. 'Even if Donald Trump runs for president again, his Twitter account will be permanently frozen. Will not be released. '

Trump wouldn't be allowed back on Twitter if he ran for office again: CFO

Twitter confirms Trump's ban is permanent, even if he runs again in 2024

In January 2021, Twitter announced that it had taken steps to permanently freeze Donald Trump's account, @realDonaldTrump. This is because Mr. Trump instigated the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Twitter permanently bans Donald Trump's account BAN --GIGAZINE

Segal, who appeared on CNBC's Squawk Box, responded to the question, 'What should I do with my account if Mr. Trump regains office?' 'Our policy mechanism has been removed from the platform once. It's as simple as continuing to be removed from the platform. It doesn't matter if it's a commentator, a CFO, a former civil servant, or an incumbent civil servant. ' He said that no matter what the position of the person, the person who was once excluded from Twitter cannot come back again.

In addition, 'Remember that our policy is designed so that people do not incite violence. If someone incites violence, we need to exclude it from service and our policy Does not allow those once excluded to come back, 'said Segal, saying that Trump, whose account was frozen for' inciting violence, 'is unlikely to return to Twitter. I will.

As a safety rule, Twitter says, 'If a tweet from a world leader violates a Twitter rule, but there is a clear public interest in retaining that tweet, you must display a warning about the violation and click. In June 2019, weannounced that we may not be able to check the content of tweets. However, if there is another tweet that incites violence, the account will be frozen as in Mr. Trump's case.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii